Tag: Statistics

Monte Carlo simulation of 2012 presidential election

There were probably more state and national polls of the 2012 election for President of the United States than ever before. Despite this, many pundits were shocked by the election result. Most national polls showed the two candidates' expected vote percentages within each other's margin of error. As result, many commentators viewed the presidential

Introducing the one-click bootstrap in JMP Pro

One of the great new features in JMP Pro, Version 10, is the one-click bootstrap. Most tables of results in analytical platforms have a new item in their context (right-click) menus, called Bootstrap. Selecting this item will bring up a small dialog with some options. Once you click OK, JMP will perform a

Forest Plot Add-In for JMP 10

A forest plot (Figure 1) is a convenient way to graphically display several confidence or credible intervals and is often used in meta-analysis. Here, the x-axis represents the treatment effect between two interventions while the y-axis refers to the individual studies from which the intervals are obtained, or to various consensus intervals derived

Hunter and Salsburg on how statistics has evolved

With the International Year of Statistics quickly approaching, what better way to prepare ourselves than by gaining a little perspective from those who have helped to shape the world of statistics in the last century? This past summer, JMP's Senior Director of Analytic Strategy Anne Milley and I took a

Kaiser Fung on data analysis & information visualization

“Once you can define a problem, it’s a matter of looking for the right techniques and right methodologies to apply to it. And, there are many, many, many methodologies out there. The question is really: Can you pick the right one? And oftentimes that depends on: Did you define the problem in the

Probability functions in the JMP Scripting Index

At the recent JMP Discovery Summit, I overheard a conversation between a professor and one of the JMP developers, Clay Barker. The professor was interested in understanding tools available for generating distributions in JMP. My first thought (although I was just a fly on the wall) was to suggest the

How JMP Pro delivers insights

Several of the clients of Predictum, our analytical solutions company, have asked us to help them to evaluate the predictive analytics capabilities of JMP Pro with their data and analytical challenges, and we've done so with excellent results. We’ve seen that the advanced modelling capabilities in JMP Pro give insights over

Job Posting: Product Manager for JMP Pro

JMP has a great new position open: Product Manager for JMP Pro. What is this position? The Product Manager for JMP Pro is responsible for setting the direction and gathering requirements for JMP Pro as it fits into the JMP family of products. The JMP Pro Product Manager has solid

Sam Gardner on building better statistical models in Europe

“All models are wrong, but some are useful,” George Box once stated. Sam Gardner will speak to European audiences next week about building better -- and useful -- statistical models, as part of the JMP Explorers seminar series. It is the second round for this seminar in Europe this year. There

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