Tag: Statistics

Top 10 posts of 2013

Last year was a big year for this blog. We had monthly posts about influential statisticians as part of our celebration of the first-ever International Year of Statistics. We gave previews of  JMP 11 and, once the software was released, showed you how to make use of the new features

Strengths and weaknesses of spreadsheets -- Part 2

Last week, I shared some of the many stories about errors in Excel spreadsheets that led to misinformation and to a  path toward incorrect decisions. Today, we’ll explore why such errors can be potentially pervasive. The power of the spreadsheet has always been its interactive ease of use. It allows

Creating a space-filling design for a map shape

One of my favorite new features in JMP 11 design of experiments is the Fast Flexible Filling (FFF) design in the Space Filling Design platform. When the JMP 11 Previews were released, Brad Jones showed an example of using FFF designs to place air quality monitors over the state of

Why spreadsheets can lead to error -- Part 1

In 2010, esteemed Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published the paper “Growth in a Time of Debt.” It soon became powerful supporting evidence for those who argued against growing government spending, even in times of needed economic stimulation. The paper looked at the debt levels of many different

Get sample chapter of Numbersense by Kaiser Fung

Regular readers of this blog know that we are big fans of Kaiser Fung, his blog Junk Charts and his books Numbers Rule Your World and Numbersense. Earlier this fall, I interviewed him about Numbersense, and we gave away copies of that book. If you didn't get a copy of

Simple nonlinear least squares curve fitting in JMP

In his Walking Randomly blog, Mike Croucher shows how to fit a simple nonlinear curve using five different statistical programming libraries: R, MATLAB, Maple, Julia and Python/numpy. The idea is to provide concrete examples for a commonly asked modeling question that is simple to state but not so simple to

20 books on scientific, analytical or quantitative topics

Here at JMP, we love a good nonfiction book. And if it involves data, numbers, statistics or science, then all the better. I asked my colleagues to share the names of nonfiction books that are quantitative, analytical or scientific that they have enjoyed. Perhaps their ideas will help you find

JMP 11: Custom Design power calculations – Part II

Last week, I wrote about the Custom Design user interface for power calculations that is new for JMP 11. My goal for this week’s blog post is to explain how to interpret the new power analysis for the two-level screening designs including screening with hard-to-change factors. What is so different

New Multiple Comparisons options in JMP 11

In a study, analysts often need to compare treatment means to determine which treatments are better or worse and by how much. There are a variety of ways to compare treatment means. Some of the most common are all pairwise comparisons of treatment means, comparisons of all treatment means against

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