Tag: Statistics

Dinosaurs, chaos and statistics (oh, my!)

“They believed that prediction was just a function of keeping track of things. If you knew enough, you could predict anything. That's been cherished scientific belief since Newton.” “And?” “Chaos theory throws it right out the window.” - Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park I’ve been thinking a lot about chaos lately.

NCSU leads the pack in statistics conference contest

I zone out when my colleagues go on and on about North Carolina college basketball. With mascots like Blue Devils and Demon Deacons, you’d think it would be more fun to me than it is. Add to that the fact that my university days were not spent at any of

Munich votes for new mayor – First run-off election in 36 years

Elections are a beloved but controversial topic worldwide. Feelings are often strong, debates intensify on a daily basis, and positions become polarized. Elections for presidents or parliaments get a lot of attention from both news media and citizens. But I believe local elections can be fascinating as well. That’s why

Fitting distributions in JMP

Most statistical procedures benefit from understanding the underlying population distribution, or at the very least offering reassurance that our assumptions about those distributions are valid. JMP provides a number of ways to easily explore and investigate distributional assumptions. In this post, I provide information on fitting continuous or discrete distributions

A bit on bootstrapping in JMP Pro

Bootstrapping is a popular resampling method for estimating the sampling distribution of a statistic. While the theory behind resampling methods dates back to Sir R.A. Fisher, bootstrap resampling was first proposed by Bradley Efron in the 1970s. Bootstrapping involves repeatedly sampling from a data set, with replacement, in order to

What-if analysis with JMP (no spreadsheets) -- Part 5

Last week, I showed how the Excel Add-In for JMP can bring more value to Excel spreadsheets for what-if analysis and optimization. Today, we’ll look at how using that same data from within JMP alone is more elegant. First, let’s look at the Excel spreadsheet from last week's post (see

Scenario-based planning & optimization in Excel & JMP -- Part 4

Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at the rise of Excel’s usage and popularity, and I've noted that Excel has made forays into analytics. Today, we’ll look at one type of analysis: scenario-based planning and optimization. Using Excel add-ins, you can create what-if analysis and scenario-based planning using Monte

If you've updated to JMP 11.1, please uninstall

We regret to report that there is technical problem with JMP 11.1. To ensure that you are not affected by this problem, please uninstall JMP 11.1 and reinstall JMP 11.0 using your original installer. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact JMP Technical Support. After you install JMP

More spreadsheet challenges -- Part 3

Last week, we looked at the first scenario in our example showing some guesswork that Excel performs when adding to existing data that are included in a formula. This week, we’ll look at Scenarios 1b and 2, which further show the behavior of Excel after rows are inserted within a

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