Tag: JMP – General


This blog post was written by a blogger who is no longer at SAS I talked recently with a customer who frequently used JMP SQL ODBC. Don't let the abbreviations intimidate you because I am going to explain an impressive way that JMP makes it all easy. I am quite

Recode Saves the Day

This blog post was written by a blogger who is no longer at SAS Wired magazine released the results of its worldwide user survey, which asked users to self-report 3G and EDGE data speeds around the world. The conclusion is that, when comparing various Apple-branded products, the carrier's network had

Subscribe to Statistical Methods Podcasts via Predictum Web Site

Wayne Levin, the President of Predictum in Toronto, offers free podcasts about statistical methods and their application using JMP. The podcasts run 15 to 25 minutes long, and each gets downloaded thousands of time. His company works with JMP and SAS users to improve their productivity through education and the

A Strong Voice at Twin Cities JMP Users Group Meeting

The inaugural meeting of the Twin Cities JMP Users Group will feature a talk by a Minneapolis-based Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Strong Shih-Chuang Huang. Huang is involved in Six Sigma program implementation for Beckman Coulter worldwide, a manufacturer of biomedical diagnostic systems, reagent tests and supplies. Huang's presentation, "Breakthrough

What Would Be the World Record?

With the 2008 Summer Olympics happening in China right now, I am reminded of when I used to run the 200-meter (1/2 lap) and 400-meter (1 lap) events on my high school track team. I wasn’t that good, but I enjoyed it. My best time in the 200m was about

Experiments on Experiments, Models of Models

(NOTE: This is part three of three-part series on stochastic optimization.) Over the last two weeks, I introduced robust process engineering and stochastic optimization – the effort to achieve good product in the face of variation among the factors. Last week, I gave a cooking example. This week, I present

Register for Mid-Atlantic JMP Users Group Meeting

You can now register online to attend the inaugural meeting of the Mid-Atlantic JMP Users Group. Here's some key information about this meeting: When: Sept. 16, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Where: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland Who should attend: Anyone in the mid-Atlantic region who uses JMP

Cooking Optimization: Should You Cook Hot and Fast, or Warm and Slow?

(NOTE: This is part two of a three-part series on stochastic optimization.) In my previous post, I introduced stochastic optimization. In this post, I show a real example. This example was reported in the classic text by George Box and Norman Draper: Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces (page 32), and

Follow-Up on Tornado Charts for Data Visualization

Last week I showed how to make tornado charts in JMP and asked for input on the utility of these types of visualization. Here are thumbnails of the two alternative views of US population by age and sex. One commenter pointed out that the back-to-back bars of the tornado style

The Challenge of Optimizing Products and Processes

(NOTE: This is part one of a three-part series on stochastic optimization.) To get to the top of a hill, you just keep going up. However, hills can have subpeaks, so sometimes you have to hunt around to keep going up. But going up is still the basic idea. This

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