Tag: JMP – General

Share Your JMP Stories (or Videos) as JMP Turns 20

The curious vintage junkie in me borrowed the 20-year-old JMP box that John Sall holds up in his 20th anniversary video. The description of JMP on the back cover was a surprise. Why? That description still applies today, 20 years later: • Classical statistics combined with today’s most interactive graphics.

The Buzz About JMP, Discovery and Innovators' Summit

While at Discovery 2009 and Innovators' Summit in Chicago last week, John Sall, chief architect of JMP, spread the word about JMP, SAS and the value of analytics. He met with journalists and bloggers, and some of the coverage has already been published online. Take a look: In a story

Why Excel 2010 Misses the Mark in Data Visualization

In his August 10 blog post, Stephen Few, a widely recognized expert on data visualization and founder of Perceptual Edge, shares his insight into the graphic capabilities of soon-to-be-released Excel 2010. Steve had viewed this upcoming version with great anticipation, for he had been disappointed with Excel 2007’s graphic capabilities.

10 Reasons to Envision Yourself in Chicago

Chicago is a visionary city. And it is the host of Discovery 2009 and the Innovators’ Summit, Sept. 16 – 19, Swissôtel Chicago. At JMP, we know that vision precedes success. Our software is designed to give you a clear vision of your data and the potential within it. Our

DecisionStats Q&A with John Sall

Did you miss last week's Q&A with John Sall, chief architect of JMP, in DecisionStats, an analytics blog by Ajay Ohri? It's worth a read. "In a free-wheeling and exclusive interview, John talks of the long journey within SAS and his experiences in helping make JMP the data visualizaton software

Identifying the Root Cause of Failures

JMP user Archana Pawse, PhD, is a Six Sigma Black Belt who has worked for Applied Magnetics, Superconductor Technologies and JDS Uniphase as a Product/Process/Reliability Engineer. What follows is Dr. Pawse's description of how she uses JMP in her line of work, which she wanted to share with others. Feel

JSL Tip: Replace Loops with Functions on Matrices

In my previous JSL tip, we saw how it is faster to access matrix items than to list items. It's faster still if you don't have to access the items at all. That is, get JMP's internal code to do the looping and item access instead of doing it in

Nuggets of Wisdom from Risk Visualization Expert

I attended Sam Savage’s presentation based on his book The Flaw of Averages (PDF) not once, but twice. Although I have one solitary statistics course under my belt, I found Sam’s ideas quite accessible, and worth hearing a second time. Sam uses what he calls the five “mindles.” Like a

Bogeys, Pictures and Numbers

This weekend features one of my all-time favorite sporting events: the golf US Open (plus Father’s Day on Sunday provides a convenient guilt-free excuse to actually watch it). This year, the tournament is held at the Bethpage Black course just outside of New York City. It has a classic sign:

Benefitting from the Wisdom of Others

For about a year now, I’ve been having trouble with my faithful Craftsman Eager-1 push mower, which I bought at Sears about 15 years ago. The daggum thing starts up fine but then cuts off after about 2 seconds. This has led me to adopt the following algorithm: 1. Press

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