Tag: JMP – General

Saving Your Analyses in Many Ways Using JMP

One of the key parts of any analysis is to be able to communicate your findings in an organized manner. JMP has a variety of ways to save your analyses and share them with your colleagues. I've recently stepped through a number of ways to work with your analyses in

Plenty for JMP Users at SAS Global Forum

Are you are headed to Seattle next week for SAS Global Forum, the annual meeting of SAS (including JMP) users worldwide? If so, you will have many opportunities to expand your JMP knowledge while you're there. In addition to papers about JMP, you can check out demos on such topics

Diamonds Are Forever ... or Not

On a recent vacation cruise, while snorkeling with my wife in Cozumel, the diamond in her wedding band unfortunately was dislodged and became one with the ocean floor. After futile efforts to find the lost diamond, it was evident to me that I needed to get her a replacement ring

Tree Maps Come of Age

While I was reading the news the other day, the BBC used a tree map to illustrate Internet traffic in January 2010 for the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, US and Australia (from Nielsen). The tree map was a pleasant surprise and a great way to communicate how

Visual Data Quality with Named Colors in JMP, Part 2

After my previous exploration of colors and names revealed inconsistencies in the Wikipedia color data, I looked around for a more authoritative source of color names. No luck finding an oracle, but I did find another interesting data set. Where the Wikipedia table provided color values for a given set

Changing JMP Graph and Selected Text Colors (for Windows OS)

At Sam Gardner’s March 4 Webcast on JMP Journals, we closed with a few basic unanswered questions about changing color settings in JMP for Windows. I promised the answers. 1. You can change most graph settings globally from JMP Preferences. For example, to change most graph attributes, including background color,

See You at SAS Global Forum

It’s like I won a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. That’s what it feels like to be a SAS employee who’s asked to go to SAS Global Forum, April 11-14 in Seattle. The buzz on the demo-room floor, hearing from thought leaders both entertaining and enlightening, the interaction

Creating a Simple Dashboard in JMP

This blog post was written by a blogger who is no longer at SAS Business users have been flocking to JMP for its data visualization and analytical capabilities. You can create a simple dashboard with a minimal amount of scripting. The functions that I will use are: New Window(), H

Saving Graphs, Tables and Reports in JMP

Here are some simple ways to save both tabular output and/or graphs in JMP. When you copy information from JMP, you can either use “Copy” from the Edit menu or the tool bar. The copied information is copied to an active windows clip board. 1. If you want to save

Tools to Help Teach JMP

In a recent live Webcast for faculty and students, I showed teaching modules developed by Amy Froelich (Iowa State University) and Bill Duckworth (Creighton University) that were programmed by Wayne Levin and Brian McFarlane (Predictum Inc.). Here I show how to invoke these modules (which are encrypted JMP scripts) or

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