Tag: JMP – General

Getting Familiar with JMP Genomics 5

There is so much that is new to share about JMP Genomics 5! Beyond its rich library of prebuilt analysis interfaces and graphics for genomics data, JMP Genomics offers our users full access to all the new features offered by the JMP 9 platform. I highly recommend that JMP Genomics

The People Behind the Software: Duane Hayes

This interview is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP team. Earlier interviews have been with Xan Gregg, Chung-Wei Ng and Laura Lancaster and Bob Hickey and John Sall and Melanie Drake. Duane Hayes is the Manager of the JMP Technical Support team. He was hired to work

Get JMP 9 Training Through Multimedia e-Course

JMP 9 users: Now that you have invested in the most recent version of the interactive visual statistical discovery software package, I know you will want to make the most of your investment. You can do this by taking training. And now, you can train at your own pace and

Releasing JMP Genomics 5

I am very excited to announce the release of JMP Genomics 5! Our latest version provides many new tools for downstream analysis of large genomics data sets. We’ve incorporated enhancements across almost all functional areas of the product – expression, SNP, copy number, predictive modeling, and enrichment analysis. You can

Analyzing NC State Fair Attendance Using JMP

The North Carolina State Fair is in full swing in Raleigh this week. All the talk lately in the break room at the office concerns the Fair. "Did you go to the fair this weekend?" "What day will you go?" "Are you going to try a Krispy Kreme burger?" Fried

The People Behind the Software: Melanie Drake

This interview is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP development team. Earlier interviews have been with Xan Gregg, Chung-Wei Ng and Laura Lancaster and Bob Hickey and John Sall. Today, we meet Melanie Drake. She is one of a team of four writers who write the JMP

The People Behind the Software: John Sall

This interview is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP development team that led up to the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12 -- today! Earlier interviews have been with Xan Gregg, Chung-Wei Ng and Laura Lancaster and Bob Hickey. The interviews will continue -- look for

JMP Life Sciences Seminars Starts in Great Lakes Area

We kicked off the JMP Life Sciences seminar series in Indianapolis on Tuesday, October 5, with the JMP Great Lakes team: Account Executive Dan Durkin and Systems Engineer Sam Gardner. The venue and setup for the seminar at the Westin Indianapolis was absolutely fantastic, and the room was full of

Tune in for Live Webcast on JMP 9 on Oct. 12

Jeff Perkinson, JMP Product Manager, is putting the final touches on his live webcast for next Tuesday, when he will demonstrate the new analytic and graphical capabilities in JMP 9. That's the same day -- Oct. 12 -- that JMP 9 starts shipping. The one-hour demo will show JMP users

The People Behind the Software: Bob Hickey

This is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we approach the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. Previously, I interviewed Xan Gregg, Chung-Wei Ng and Laura Lancaster. Bob Hickey has been with the JMP team for 13 years. His current responsibilities include creating

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