Tag: JMP – General

Improve your image with JMP 9

If you attended the JMP Discovery Summit 2011 in Denver, Colorado, back in September, you may have sat in on my presentation, Image Isn't Everything But It Sure Is Something in JMP 9. I talked about the image functionality that was added to JMP for version 9, and I demonstrated some

Customer-inspired innovation and JMP 10 preview

On Nov. 16, Chris Gotwalt will present a new webcast on Best Practices in Model Comparison, which will include a sneak peek of JMP 10 (due to be released this upcoming March). I recently caught up with Chris to find out how he was enjoying his new role at JMP, what

Customizing and extending analytics with add-ins

Wayne Levin is part of a group of engineers, statisticians and programmers who are passionate about expanding the use of statistical methods to improve productivity, quality and yields. That group is Predictum, and Wayne is president. How exactly does Predictum help companies improve productivity, quality and yields? "We do this

Accessing & managing data for statistical discovery

In a previous blog article, a high-level process for statistical discovery was presented. Now we go much deeper into the first two steps: accessing and manipulating data with JMP. Accessing data The standard JMP data format is the JMP data table. It is a high-performance in-memory data structure that can

Best practices to abound next week in Windy City

Whether you steer strategy from the C-suite or execute operations from your cubical, you can use analytics to transform your organization.  I have continued to gain greater appreciation for the value of analytics at the many conferences that JMP has participated in this fall, including Predictive Analytics World in New

Highlights from my fifth Predictive Analytics World

Having been an early supporter of PAW, I am happy to see this conference flourish. It was a pleasure to see so many friends and colleagues who are such an enthusiastic and loyal part of this community of hands-on practitioners. Eric Siegel, Program Chair, kicked it off with the hot

Speeding up exploration with John Sall

Well, Wall Street cares so much about making fast decisions that it is laying dedicated high-speed lines so that the data for program trades can be processed faster and orders executed more quickly. If Wall Street can do all this in milliseconds, won’t it make a difference to you to

JSL tip: finding unique values in a list

One of the great things about attending the JMP Discovery Summit as a developer is hearing questions and suggestions from people with so many different applications of JMP. One JMP Scripting Language (JSL) question came up three times, so it's worth sharing. The question is, "How do I remove duplicate

Finding a good regression model with JMP

Systems engineer Jami Hampton opened the autumn 2011 series of live Mastering JMP webcasts to 600 JMP users who wanted to learn how to find a good multiple regression model using the JMP Fit Model platform. Jami's PowerPoint presentation and videos of her demo are available. Jami used data and

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