Tag: JMP 10

Control Charts are easy in JMP 10

  JMP 10 introduces a snazzy way to create control charts with a new platform called Control Chart Builder. JMP's prior Control Charts were designed over two decades ago for the classic process engineer in manufacturing and were past due for an overhaul. The more we listened to which customers

Discover more with JMP 10

JMP 10 is a major release, and today we are launching it with live webcasts in four languages. I wanted to offer some reflections on what this new version is like. Much of the development centered on four focus areas: 1. Graph Builder everywhere. The Graph Builder platform has been

New in JMP 10 DOE: Discrete Numeric Factors

Among other kinds of factors, the Custom Designer in JMP has facilities for continuous factors and for categorical factors with an arbitrary number of levels. The designer assumes that continuous factors can take any value within the specified range from low to high. Sometimes, though, there are practical restrictions to

UK JMP users: Join us at GSK to see JMP 10

Next week heralds a double first: JMP 10 is launched, and the Southern UK JMP Users Group gets together at a customer site for the first time. The event is being hosted by GSK in Stevenage and features a fantastic range of leading organisations: AstraZeneca users will be talking about

Watch JMP 10 speed up discovery March 20

JMP users worldwide will be gathering online next Tuesday to get a look at the latest version of the software. In five live one-hour webcasts on March 20, they will see why we have been saying that JMP 10 is a big release with lots of cool new capabilities, such

London seminar shows power of reliability analysis

Earlier this week, we had the pleasure of Dr. Bill Meeker, one of the world's leading experts in reliability analysis, present in London. After sharing some vivid examples of what can happen when reliability goes wrong, he talked about reliability in five areas, with Leo Wright demonstrating how JMP can be

Reliability Growth platform in JMP 10: Video preview

In a previous post, I gave a list of 10 great things about the new JMP 10 software that is being released on March 20. As part of the preview for this release, we have created three videos to give you an early look at some of these new features. In the third video,

New Distribution customizations & options in JMP 10

The Distribution platform, frequently the backbone of data exploration, is one of the most widely used platforms in JMP. The JMP 10 Distribution platform has additional customizations and options to make this phase of data exploration even more individualized and easier than before. This blog post will focus on the reports

Process control charts with drag & drop in JMP 10

Sometimes you don’t know what kind of hidden information is within your process measures, and feeding your data to a control chart chosen from a library can hide as much as it reveals. In contrast, Control Chart Builder in JMP 10 lets you dive deeper into your process control data

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