Tag: Discovery Summit

Discovery Summit live blog: Dick De Veaux keynote

Richard D. De Veaux is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Williams College in Williamstown, MA. De Veaux delivers the keynote speech on the second full day of Discovery Summit 2013. View the live blog.

Follow JMP Discovery Summit live online

Greetings from San Antonio, where many of us from JMP will be for the next several days! Discovery Summit is about to start, and I'm excited about our keynote speeches, as well as the many presentations and posters about the powerful and creative ways people use JMP. I look forward

Get the Discovery Summit 2013 mobile app

Discovery Summit attendees: The mobile app for the conference is ready for you to download it! This year we've got an app for Android smartphones as well as for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. And if you don't have one of these devices, you can use the mobile web version

Celebrating statistics with Denise Lievesley

In celebration of the International Year of Statistics, we reached out to a few British statisticians to ask them to share a few thoughts on statistics as a discipline, statisticians and applied statistics. The United Kingdom has a rich statistical history, and we are pleased to share some of these

The open-minded Mr. Fung

Kaiser Fung, author of the popular blog Junk Charts, has a new book out called Numbersense: How to Use Big Data to Your Advantage. It's a fascinating and highly accessible read, full of humor and even some graphs derived from JMP. I enjoyed learning about such things as the U.S.

Why attendees love Discovery Summit

Some have called Discovery Summit “the best conference I’ve ever attended.” While that alone is an excellent recommendation, others have even more to say. A 2011 attendee said, “While listening to one speaker, I learned of a different methodology to analyze a particular messy study at work. That one moment of

Registration is open for Discovery Summit

Every year, JMP users and developers get together to challenge theories, benchmark best practices, and share tips, tricks and innovative methods. Discovery Summit is an opportunity for JMP users — including everyone from total beginners to seasoned experts — to explore new strategies and methodologies and ultimately leave better equipped

George Box: A remembrance

Today I mourn the passing of George Box, truly a giant among 20th century statisticians. Indeed, I should not relegate him to the 20th century because he won the Brumbaugh Award in 2010 and 2007 for writing papers that made in their year of publication the largest single contribution to

Analytical cultures: Nurture yours through training

As an organic gardener with spring approaching, I have seeds and soil on my mind. I like to see seeds sprout, grow, flourish and either bloom or bear fruit. To do that, I plant the seeds in nourishing organic compost, provide sufficient water, light and care (and hope for season-appropriate

Nate Silver to Headline Discovery Summit 2013

He’s a sabermetrician. And a psephologist. And if those fancy titles don’t pique your interest, you should know that Nate Silver is a serious statistician. Silver has become famous for: Developing a widely acclaimed system called PECOTA (Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm), which predicts player performance, career development

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