Coming Soon! JMP® Genomics 3.1

It’s been a short but intense development cycle since JMP Genomics 3.0 went into the release engineering production process last May and our team started working on the requirements for JMP Genomics 3.1. This latest and greatest release of JMP Genomics will be offered as a Web update early next

Heath Rushing Discusses JMP Training Course Evaluations

I had the opportunity to watch a public training course here in Cary. At the end of the course, the instructor asked the students to complete a course evaluation. Monica Beals asked, “Can you please complete a course evaluation? We use them. We really do.” Naturally, my next question was,

Ash, smoke provide grim reminders at genetics conference

I’m writing this blog entry as I’m on the plane, on my way back from San Diego after the ASHG conference (American Society of Human Genetics for you non-genetics types). Despite the fires burning around the area and the losses faced by so many people in the region, the meetings

JMP Training Announces a New Live Web Class

JMP Training is pleased to announce a new live web class. JMP Software: Analysis of Attribute Data has been updated for JMP version 7 and has been converted to the live web format. JMP Training is conducting a test teach of this course in the live web environment on November

Staying Green, and in the Black with CheckFree

Do you pay your bills online? I do, and I love the fact that it’s now my computer, not me, keeping up with when the credit card bill is due, how much I owe, what I paid last month, etc., etc. Instead of a “bill drawer” stuffed with envelopes containing

Sall: Outliers can be diamonds, not dirt

Historically, statistics have been used to prove things that are already known, rather than to find new things. “But statistics can also lead to discoveries if you have the right attitude – one that is open to discovery,” John Sall told participants at the Innovators’ Summit this morning. For instance,

Yes, it’s rocket science

Since Dr. Dimitri Mavris took the stage yesterday at the Innovators’ Summit, I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about his talk. In fact, even John Sall called Dr. Mavris his hero. And why not? Dr. Mavris runs Georgia Tech’s Aerospace Systems Design Lab, where industry and academia come together like

Overheard at the Innovators’ Summit

“Using JMP, our company saved $6 million in the first six months of this year. Even for a company that brings in $100 million a month, that’s a lot of money.” – Oil industry representative at Sunday night Welcome Dinner “The ultimate purpose of collecting data is to provide a

"There’s nothing more overrated than a good idea."

How do you make sure every engineer, statistician and innovator in an audience is awake and ready to participate the first morning of a two-day learning event? You challenge their concept of innovation and you say that there’s nothing more overrated than a good idea. That’s what MIT visionary and

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