
Gail Massari
A Brief Demo of Neural Nets in JMP

Often we assume there is a complicated relationship between explanatory variables and responses. In these cases, neural networks (neural nets) are useful and can enable us to predict responses from a flexible network of functions of input variables. Neural nets can efficiently and flexibly model different response surfaces when it

Learn Conjoint (Discrete Choice) Experimental Design and Analysis

Conjoint designs are planned experiments that determine the features people want in a product and what they are willing to pay for them. Market researchers show respondents a controlled set of potential products or services and then analyze how respondents make preferences. On April 12, Leo Wright demonstrated how to

Turning On Laser Pointer in JMP

At every live Webcast, we get questions about how the presenter circles information in JMP. This tool, called the Laser Pointer, lets you temporarily draw attention to parts of a report. The colored line of the laser pointer persists until you release the mouse button. Laser Pointer works on JMP

Changing JMP Graph and Selected Text Colors (for Windows OS)

At Sam Gardner’s March 4 Webcast on JMP Journals, we closed with a few basic unanswered questions about changing color settings in JMP for Windows. I promised the answers. 1. You can change most graph settings globally from JMP Preferences. For example, to change most graph attributes, including background color,

Credit Cards: A Method Behind the Madness

It’s no surprise that a Google search for credit card offers yields more than 100 pages of links (and ads). Lou Valente, one of our design of experiments experts, recently used JMP to share a direct marketing DOE case study from the 2007 book Testing 1 - 2 - 3:

Make a Menu. Share a Script.

Don McCormack, JMP Principal Customer Advocate, likes to share his work. He recently gave a tip on how to save a script to a new menu that you create. This lets you use the menu to execute the script against data where the column names and modeling types are the

Keyboard tips: CTRL/Click, ALT/Click, CTRL/ALT/Click

In his January 28 Webcast on Advanced Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Your Efficiency, Sam Gardner demonstrated three keyboard shortcuts that are useful for applying commands or options to graphical reports. 1. CTRL/Click applies one red triangle hot spot command or option to all applicable graphical reports in an analysis

A Tidbit About Tabulate

During yesterday’s Mastering JMP live Webcast on Shaping Your Data, one of the JMP capabilities presenter Jeff Hawes demonstrated was Tabulate (Tables>Tabulate). Here is a tidbit that folks found interesting. Jeff: Tabulate is one of the data management tools in JMP. It is akin to a Pivot Table in Excel,

Answering Your Demand for Design of Experiments

Recently, JMP has been deluged with requests for information about Design of Experiments (DOE or DOX). Was it due to atmospheric disruption when NASA hit the lunar south pole last week? Or shall we just chalk it up to a growing desire to work smart and make better use of

Share Your JMP Stories (or Videos) as JMP Turns 20

The curious vintage junkie in me borrowed the 20-year-old JMP box that John Sall holds up in his 20th anniversary video. The description of JMP on the back cover was a surprise. Why? That description still applies today, 20 years later: • Classical statistics combined with today’s most interactive graphics.