
Charles Pirrello

Chuck Pirrello is Product Manager for JMP, a business unit of SAS. He helps direct the development and marketing of JMP’s interactive data visualization and exploration capabilities. Before joining the JMP division, Pirrello was responsible for marketing Business Scorecard and Dashboard solutions for SAS. Earlier, he worked for Hyperion and Comshare, vendors of financial and business intelligence software. He has more than 20 years of experience in finance, consulting and product management.

Predictive Analytics Webcast, White Paper Now Available

Last week, JMP hosted a Webcast by business visualization expert Stephen Few of Perceptual Edge. Stephen presented his recently published white paper, which explores the power of visualization for predictive analytics. Stephen's white paper explains that predictive analytics are most revealing when they allow us to see how all of

Be Thankful for These Heroes of Commerce

A growing number of heroes are rising up from their cubicles at many companies. They provide a sorely needed competitive edge in these trying economic times, yet only the most enlightened companies fully embrace them. In fact, most people find them intimidating. So, who are these heroes of commerce, praised