

I'm a writer and editor in the JMP business unit of SAS. I am also the global social media manager for JMP, and I handle the JMP Blog. Like our JMP Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter @JMP_Software to keep up with information about your favorite statistical discovery software from SAS.

The People Behind the Software: Laura Lancaster

This is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we near the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. In previous interviews, I talked with Xan Gregg and Chung-Wei Ng. Laura Lancaster is a statistical developer at JMP. She has been with JMP for six

The People Behind the Software: Chung-Wei Ng

This is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we approach the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. In a previous interview, I talked with Xan Gregg. Last year, when it was the 20th birthday of JMP, I saw some photos of the JMP

The People Behind JMP Software: Xan Gregg

This is the first in a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we approach the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. Unless you go to events such as the Discovery Summit where attendees get to meet JMP developers in person, you probably know little about the

Article on Split-Plot Designs Is Honored Again

It's the article that keeps winning awards. Published in October 2009 in the Journal of Quality Technology, "Split-Plot Designs: What, Why, and How" by Bradley Jones and Christopher J. Nachtsheim won the Brumbaugh Award from ASQ this year. Jones, a Research Fellow at JMP, and Nachtsheim, a professor in the

A Chat with Plenary Speaker Jeanne Harris of Accenture

It's two weeks until the start of the JMP Discovery Summit. And whether you're attending, still hoping to attend or planning to follow the online coverage of this analytics conference, I've got a treat for you in this Q&A with Jeanne Harris of the Accenture Institute for High Performance and

Authors Abound Among Discovery Summit Attendees, Presenters

Discovery Summit will be packed with authors of books hot off the presses. Our keynote speaker is Dan Ariely, author of the best-seller Predictably Irrational and a new book, The Upside of Irrationality. Plenary speaker Kaiser Fung is author of Numbers Rule Your World (as well as the influential blog

University Student Used JMP in Research That Won Prize

Until recently, Emma Lookabaugh had never even heard of JMP. After using it for the first time this spring in an award-winning research project, she has become a fan. Emma is a senior at NC State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, not far from JMP offices at SAS headquarters. Hailing

Plenty for JMP Users at SAS Global Forum

Are you are headed to Seattle next week for SAS Global Forum, the annual meeting of SAS (including JMP) users worldwide? If so, you will have many opportunities to expand your JMP knowledge while you're there. In addition to papers about JMP, you can check out demos on such topics

New Book Helps You Get the Most out of JMP Scripting

Using the JMP Scripting Language (JSL), you can program JMP to repeat analyses, write custom programs to manipulate data, and extend JMP's graphical and analytical capabilities. Wendy Murphrey and Rosemary Lucas of SAS are the authors of a new book about JSL called Jump Into JMP Scripting. I asked Wendy

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