Tag: JMP – Customer Stories

Design of experiments -- on the rise and in the news

Nearly a century old, the technique of design of experiments (DOE) is more popular than ever at chemical and pharmaceutical companies. So says an article in Chemical and Engineering News by Rick Mullin that includes historical milestones, such as the contributions of R.A. Fisher and the late George E.P. Box

WildTrack wows crowd at SAS Austin office

Sky Alibhai and Zoe Jewell, wildlife biologists and founders of WildTrack, were a bit hit at the SAS Austin office Sept. 23. They showed their work in applying JMP customization, visualization and analytics to study animal footprints in order to find a better way to track endangered species.  Sky and Zoe

Did JMP Help You Rise to a Challenge?

Tell us how in a paper or poster abstract for Discovery Summit 2011. The Discovery Summit 2011 Steering Committee is inviting you and other JMP users to share how this statistical discovery software from SAS® has solved real problems. If your paper or poster is selected, you will present at

Micro-Loan Program for Ugandan Women Uses JMP

It's exciting to see how JMP users transform data into information, and even more so when the effort involves students. For the second summer, students at Womens' Microfinance Initiative (WMI) used JMP to evaluate microfinance programs in Uganda. One of this year's students was my college-aged daughter, who introduced me

Cub Scouts Prepare for the Pinewood Derby

This winter break, Cub Scouts and their dads across the US will be constructing race cars for the Pinewood Derby. “The Pinewood Derby is ubiquitous, a capstone event during each Cub Scout’s year,” explains Bob Lamphier, a JMP Account Executive and the competitive father of Dylan, age 9. “Everyone makes

Identifying the Root Cause of Failures

JMP user Archana Pawse, PhD, is a Six Sigma Black Belt who has worked for Applied Magnetics, Superconductor Technologies and JDS Uniphase as a Product/Process/Reliability Engineer. What follows is Dr. Pawse's description of how she uses JMP in her line of work, which she wanted to share with others. Feel

JMP Tree Map in Data Visualization Report

In case you missed my Twitter update about it last week, a JMP tree map created by Daniel Arneman of UNC Energy Services was featured in a recent data visualization report by Intelligent Enterprise titled "Seeing Connections: Visualization Makes Sense of Data." The report, by Seth Grimes, is available as

Rhinos, Tigers and now Bears!

“Wild” may not be the way most JMP User Conference attendees described their time on the SAS Campus last week. I’m guessing “educational,” “eye-opening” and even “fun” would be better descriptors for most of the folks who attended the conference and/or the classes around it. But my week had a