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Learn SAS | Machine Learning
Sharad Saxena 0
New SAS Training Course: Statistics You Need to Know for Machine Learning

Developing an accurate understanding of statistics will help you build robust machine learning models that are optimized for a given business problem. SAS launched a new course that provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of statistics that you'll need to start your data science journey. This course is also a prerequisite to many courses in the SAS data science curriculum.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Yinliang Wu 2
How to evaluate SAS expressions in PROC DS2 dynamically

Some readers read the article “how-to-evaluate-sas-expression-in-data-step-dynamically” and wonder if there is a same mechanism or functionality in DS2. As indicated in that article, SAS provides similar features in DATA step, PROC CAS and PROC Python, but some projects like ESP (Event Stream Processing) projects would store those expression definition in

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