cas conn; libname casuser cas caslib='casuser'; proc cas; ***********************************************************************; * WARNING: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES! *; ***********************************************************************; * - This program creates the following number of rows PER THREAD *; * - For the blogs I use 8000000 for the value in create_nRows, and 10 *; * for the number of threads to use *; ***********************************************************************; create_nRows = 10; *<--- Enter number of rows per thread *; number_of_threads_to_use = 10; *<--- Specify 'MAX' for all threads *; source ds; data casuser.products; length Product varchar(10) DiscountCode varchar(10) Return varchar(3); call streaminit(99); do i=1 to nrows; *<----Replace this value with the create_nRows value prior to execution *; *StoreID*; StoreID=int(rand('CHISQ', 20)); *Country*; *rand_Countries=rand("table",); *product*; array products_groups[4] varchar(10) _temporary_ ("Sweatshirt","Pants","Shirts","Hats"); rand_Products=rand("table",.2,.3,.4,.1); Product=products_groups[rand_Products]; *product price*; array products_price[4] _temporary_ (10.99,8.99,7.99,4.99); Price=products_price[rand_Products]; *product cost*; array products_cost[4] _temporary_ (1.99,1.49,1.99,.99); Cost=products_cost[rand_Products]; *quantity*; Quantity=ceil(rand('BINOM', 0.75, 10)); *return*; rand_return=rand('uniform',0,1); if (product="Sweatshirt" and rand_return<.02) then Return="Yes"; else if (product="Pants" and rand_return<.05) then Return="Yes"; else if (product="Shirts" and rand_return<.08) then Return="Yes"; else if (product="Hats" and rand_return<.01) then Return="Yes"; else Return=""; *discount code*; rand_discountValue=rand("table",.3,.15,.25,.09,.01,.15,.05); rand_discountApplied=rand('uniform',0,1); array products_discounts[7] varchar(10) _temporary_ ("TC10","BB20","TENOFF","EMP50","FMDISCOUNT","SPC","FREEDEAL"); if rand_DiscountAPplied <.20 then DiscountCode=products_discounts[rand_discountValue]; else DiscountCode=""; output; end; drop i rand:; run; endsource; * Make the numeric value in create_nRows a character to add to the DATA step string *; create_nRows = strip(putn(create_nRows,'best16.')); ds = tranwrd(ds, 'nrows', create_nRows); * Execute the DATA step code for n number of threads *; dataStep.runCode / code=ds nthreads = number_of_threads_to_use; quit; * Preview the new table *; proc cas; table.fetch / table='products'; quit;