Jedi SAS Tricks: Writing to Text Files from DS2


A reader posed a question in the comments to an earlier Jedi SAS Trick, asking how to write the results of a DS2 DATA _NULL_ program to a text file. It's an interesting question, as DS2 currently has no text file handling statements or capabilities. Take, for example, this traditional SAS DATA step which writes output to a CSV file:

filename out 'test.csv';
data _null_;
   set class;
   file out  dsd;
   put Name Sex Age Height Weight;

The output file, test.csv, looks like this:


Without the benefit of a FILE statement, how could I reproduce these results using DS2? Well, the first step is to convert the program to DS2:

proc ds2;
data _null_;
   method run();
      set class;
      put Name Sex Age Height Weight;

This program produces this output in the SAS log:

Alfred   M 14 69 112.5
Alice    F 13 56.5 84
Barbara  F 13 65.3 98
Carol    F 14 62.8 102.5
Henry    M 14 63.5 102.5

Not quite what I was looking for. However, I know that if I remove the _NULL_ keyword from the DATA statement, the DS2 data program sends its result set to the Output Delivery System (ODS) as a report, much like an SQL query would. Because I don't want a title in my output, I'll first execute a TITLE; statement:

proc ds2;
   method run();
      set class;

The result looks like this:
DS2 DATA program output
Now, the default ODS destination is HTML, but I want a text file. As a matter of fact, I want a CSV file - and there is a nice ODS destination just made for that. To completely duplicate the CSV file produced by the traditional SAS DATA step program, I'll need to suppress the column names in the first row of ODS output. This code should do the trick:

ods tagsets.csv file=out options(table_headers="no");
proc ds2;
   method run();
      set class;
ods tagsets.csv close;

And the output file, test.csv, looks like this:


The automatic addition of the quotes around the text variable values is a nice touch, making the output file compliant with the ITEF CSV specification. So, for now I'll declare victory :-)

Until the next episode, may the SAS be with you!

P.S. Interested in a deeper dive into DS2? Why not check out my new book "Mastering the SAS® DS2 Procedure":
Mastering the SAS® DS2 Procedure: Advanced Data Wrangling Techniques


About Author

SAS Jedi

Principal Technical Training Consultant

Mark Jordan (a.k.a. SAS Jedi) grew up in northeast Brazil as the son of Baptist missionaries. After 20 years as a US Navy submariner pursuing his passion for programming as a hobby, in 1994 he retired, turned his hobby into a dream job, and has been a SAS programmer ever since. Mark writes and teaches a broad spectrum of SAS programming classes, and his book, "Mastering the SAS® DS2 Procedure: Advanced Data Wrangling Techniques" is in its second edition. When he isn’t writing, teaching, or posting “Jedi SAS Tricks”, Mark enjoys playing with his grand and great-grandchildren, hanging out at the beach, and reading science fiction novels. His secret obsession is flying toys – kites, rockets, drones – and though he usually tries to convince Lori that they are for the grandkids, she isn't buying it. Mark lives in historic Williamsburg, VA with his wife, Lori, and Stella, their cat. To connect with Mark, check out his SAS Press Author page, follow him on Twitter @SASJedi or connect on Facebook or LinkedIn.

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  1. I'm trying to replicate the old school file output just using put statements, but I am having trouble getting that working in DS2. For example, I need to create some custom text output between my variable output; so, CSV options won't work. Can you discuss how to do that in DS2?

    • SAS Jedi

      DS2 doesn't process unstructured data, so you can't write to a text file using PUT statements in DS2 (which is why I had to come up with this ODS trick). It would be helpful if you post a sample of the data that you have (see the DATA2DATASTEP macro blog for help with that) and a mock up of the output you want. If you can do that, I'd be happy to take a peek!
      Stay SASy, Matt:-)

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