
Jennifer Marchi
Jennifer Marchi 0
The big, bigger and best news about SAS Visual Analytics

Indulge me…I've always thought being a reporter would be fun! Picture it:  9:00 AM.   Big office.  Lots of people.   Lots of questions. Lots and lots and lots of data.   But no real insights. Along comes a new software solution.   Easy-to-use interface.   The world’s best analytics.   Served up in a way

Jennifer Marchi 2
So many WOWs…in so little time

I remember the first time I saw a Cirque du Soleil® performance—the artistry, the split-second timing, that repeating sense of WOW.  I was an instant fan. Funny… but I got that same sense of awe the first time I saw a demo of SAS® Visual Analytics.  I’d read the project