Tag: JMP 12 Preview

Coming in JMP 12: Interactive HTML Bubble Plot

JMP 11 provided the ability to create an interactive Flash version of the Bubble Plot platform. Our customers wanted us to provide the same functionality using interactive HTML so they would be able to share their bubble plots with colleagues using iPads. They would no longer need to tell their

Coming in JMP 12: Process Capability

Process capability analysis is an essential part of Six Sigma and many other quality initiatives that are used in a wide variety of industries. It assesses how well a stable process is performing relative to its specifications and helps quality practitioners understand the current state of their process so they

Coming in JMP 12: Selection Filtering

Interactivity has always been a key feature of JMP that enables discovery through both data exploration and report generation. Transform Columns keep you "in the flow" during initial exploration. Interactive features in reports, such as brushing and selection linking between tables and reports, allow you to continue to ask questions throughout the analysis. The Local

Coming in JMP 12: Interactive HTML for mobile devices

Our goals for interactive HTML reports in JMP 12 were to support the Bubble Plot, the Profiler and mobile devices. Many customers want to share JMP reports with colleagues on iPad or Android tablets, but these devices have different requirements than the desktops. In JMP 11, we exported interactive HTML

Coming in JMP 12: Overhauled Recode for easier data cleaning

Text data cleaning is an unglamorous but important step in statistics and analytics. Manually entered data is full of misspellings, typographical errors and inconsistencies. Even machine-generated data can cause problems if two data sources disagree on formatting. Errors must be fixed before analyzing data, because the tiniest difference makes two

Coming in JMP 12: New features in DOE

The design of experiments (DOE) development group at JMP has been busy working on the upcoming version of the software, so I cannot mention every new thing in one short blog post. Here, I will cover a few important new features. Speaking of covering, the most exciting new feature supports

Coming in JMP 12: Export to Microsoft PowerPoint presentations

As a JMP user, you’ve probably needed to incorporate graphs and tables into Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. We have heard the requests for better interoperation with PowerPoint. As part of JMP 12, we have been working on functionality to export JMP content directly to a PowerPoint file. Prior to JMP 12,

Coming in JMP 12: Query Builder

We hear frequently from JMP users that they spend a great deal of time preparing their data before they can start analyzing it. We added Query Builder to JMP 12 to streamline the process of getting data from relational databases into JMP and ready for analysis. JMP has had the

Coming in JMP 12: Graph Builder improvements

Ease-of-use and convenience functionality have been the focus of graphics work for JMP 12. The most prominent ease-of-use change is the drop zones in Graph Builder, which now light up whenever you're dragging something in. Now everyone can find the "secret" drop zone just inside the axis. It even has a