
Brady Brady
Extended Summary Statistics Add-in for JMP

The Summary platform in JMP offers an easy way to report many statistics, over multiple “By” groups, in data table format. The Distribution platform offers up an even greater variety of statistics, and we have had some customers ask for an easy way to get a Summary-style report of these.

Making report templates that link to JMP graphics

Customers often ask us whether it is possible to create report templates that will automatically open with the results of the most recent analyses performed in JMP. Not only is this possible, it is most likely easier than you think. Briefly, here are the steps that must be taken to

Make a self-updating JMP add-in depot

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had several customers ask how they can more easily manage and deploy a collection of JMP scripts, particularly in the case where an internal development team may periodically release new versions of some or all of the scripts. If you find yourself asking the

More 1-page JMP guides now available

As data volumes continue to grow, analysts, business users and students must rely on increasingly sophisticated techniques to extract meaningful, actionable information from their data. JMP is proof that they won’t have to sacrifice ease of use for predictive power: With JMP, popular data mining and forecasting tools are accessible