%let name=wuhan_coronavirus_dashboard; filename odsout '.'; /* Imitation/variation of Johns Hopkins dashboard: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 */ /* ------------------ Import the confirmed cases data ---------------------- */ /* filename confurl url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/2019-nCoV/master/time_series/time_series_2019-ncov-Confirmed.csv"; */ filename confurl "time_series_2019-ncov-Confirmed.csv"; proc import datafile=confurl out=confirmed_data dbms=csv replace; getnames=yes; guessingrows=all; run; proc transpose data=confirmed_data out=confirmed_data (rename=(_name_=datestring col1=confirmed)); by Province_State Country_Region Lat Long notsorted; run; /* The date/timestamp is in a string - parse it apart, and create a real datetime variable */ data confirmed_data (drop = month day year hour minute ampm mdystring datestring); set confirmed_data; month=.; month=scan(datestring,1,'_'); day=.; day=scan(datestring,2,'_'); year=.; year=2000+scan(datestring,3,'_'); hour=.; hour=scan(datestring,4,'_'); minute=.; minute=scan(datestring,5,'_'); length mdystring $50; mdystring=put(year,z4.)||'-'||put(month,z2.)||'-'||put(day,z2.)||'T'||put(hour,z2.)||':'||put(minute,z2.)||':00 '; format snapshot dateampm.; snapshot=input(mdystring,e8601dt.); run; /* Create a table with just the latest date/timestamp. You'll use this latest data in all but the timeseries plot. */ proc sql noprint; create table latest_confirmed as select unique * from confirmed_data having snapshot=max(snapshot); quit; run; /* Create macro variables with the data & time, to use in the title */ proc sql noprint; select unique(datepart(snapshot)) format=nldate20. into :datestr separated by ' ' from latest_confirmed; select unique(lowcase(put(timepart(snapshot),timeampm9.))) into :timestr separated by ' ' from latest_confirmed; quit; run; /* ------------------ Import the deaths data ---------------------- */ /* filename deaturl url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/2019-nCoV/master/time_series/time_series_2019-ncov-Deaths.csv"; */ filename deaturl "time_series_2019-ncov-Deaths.csv"; proc import datafile=deaturl out=death_data dbms=csv replace; getnames=yes; guessingrows=all; run; proc transpose data=death_data out=death_data (rename=(_name_=datestring col1=deaths)); by Province_State Country_Region Lat Long notsorted; run; /* The date/timestamp is in a string - parse it apart, and create a real datetime variable */ data death_data (drop = month day year hour minute ampm mdystring datestring); set death_data; month=.; month=scan(datestring,1,'_'); day=.; day=scan(datestring,2,'_'); year=.; year=2000+scan(datestring,3,'_'); hour=.; hour=scan(datestring,4,'_'); minute=.; minute=scan(datestring,5,'_'); length mdystring $50; mdystring=put(year,z4.)||'-'||put(month,z2.)||'-'||put(day,z2.)||'T'||put(hour,z2.)||':'||put(minute,z2.)||':00 '; format snapshot dateampm.; snapshot=input(mdystring,e8601dt.); run; proc sql noprint; create table latest_deaths as select unique * from death_data having snapshot=max(snapshot); quit; run; /* ------------------ Import the recovered cases data ---------------------- */ /* filename recourl url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/2019-nCoV/master/time_series/time_series_2019-ncov-Recovered.csv"; */ filename recourl "time_series_2019-ncov-Recovered.csv"; proc import datafile=recourl out=recovered_data dbms=csv replace; getnames=yes; guessingrows=all; run; proc transpose data=recovered_data out=recovered_data (rename=(_name_=datestring col1=recovered)); by Province_State Country_Region Lat Long notsorted; run; /* The date/timestamp is in a string - parse it apart, and create a real datetime variable */ data recovered_data (drop = month day year hour minute ampm mdystring datestring); set recovered_data; month=.; month=scan(datestring,1,'_'); day=.; day=scan(datestring,2,'_'); year=.; year=2000+scan(datestring,3,'_'); hour=.; hour=scan(datestring,4,'_'); minute=.; minute=scan(datestring,5,'_'); length mdystring $50; mdystring=put(year,z4.)||'-'||put(month,z2.)||'-'||put(day,z2.)||'T'||put(hour,z2.)||':'||put(minute,z2.)||':00 '; format snapshot dateampm.; snapshot=input(mdystring,e8601dt.); run; proc sql noprint; create table latest_recovered as select unique * from recovered_data having snapshot=max(snapshot); quit; run; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ goptions device=png; goptions border; ODS LISTING CLOSE; ODS html path=odsout body="&name..htm" (title="Wuhan Coronavirus Dashboard") style=htmlblue; goptions gunit=pct ftitle='albany amt/bold' ftext='albany amt' htitle=28pt htext=12pt; goptions cback=black ctext=graycc; /* Create the individual graphs, but don't display them (yet) */ goptions nodisplay; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ goptions xpixels=1400 ypixels=700; data anno_black_background; length function $8 color $12 style $35; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='b'; function='move'; x=0; y=0; output; function='bar'; x=100; y=100; style='solid'; color="black"; output; run; /* this is the medium graph background used behind each graph */ data anno_gray_background; set anno_black_background; color="gray22"; run; /* this is the dark/black background, behind the entire dashboard */ proc gslide anno=anno_black_background des='' name='back'; run; title; /*-----------------------------title--------------------------------------*/ /* Use annotate & gslide to create a long/skinny title slide */ /* xpixels=(99.5-.5)/100*1400 ypixels=(99-90)/100*700 */ goptions xpixels=1386 ypixels=63; data anno_title; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; position='6'; color="graycc"; html='title='||quote("Wuhan Coronavirus dashboard - As of &datestr ×tr EST"); size=20; x=2; y=60; text="2019-nCoV Wuhan Coronavirus Global Cases"; output; size=14; x=44; y=53; text="As of &datestr ×tr EST"; output; run; data anno_title; set anno_gray_background anno_title; run; proc gslide anno=anno_title des='' name='title'; run; /*-----------------------------info--------------------------------------*/ /* Use annotated text in a gslide to create the info box in bottom/right corner */ /* xpixels=(99.5-70)/100*1400 ypixels=(15-1)/100*700 */ goptions xpixels=413 ypixels=98; data anno_info; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; position='6'; size=11; y=87; html=''; function='label'; x=3; color="graycc"; text="Visualization by: "; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('https://blogs.sas.com/content/author/robertallison/'); x=30; color="dodgerblue"; text="Robert Allison using SAS Software"; output; y=y-24; html=''; x=3; color="graycc"; text="Designed after: "; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6'); x=29; color="dodgerblue"; text="Johns Hopkins dashboard"; output; y=y-24; html=''; x=3; color="graycc"; text="Data sources: "; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports'); x=28; color="dodgerblue"; text="WHO,"; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html'); x=x+11; color="dodgerblue"; text="CDC,"; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases'); x=x+10; color="dodgerblue"; text="ECDC,"; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('http://www.nhc.gov.cn/yjb/s3578/new_list.shtml'); x=x+13; color="dodgerblue"; text="NHC,"; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('https://3g.dxy.cn/newh5/view/pneumonia?scene=2&clicktime=1579582238&enterid=1579582238&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0'); x=x+10; color="dodgerblue"; text="and DXY"; output; y=y-24; html=''; x=3; color="graycc"; text="Data: "; output; html='target="cor2" href='||quote('https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/2019-nCoV/tree/master/time_series'); x=14; color="dodgerblue"; text="GitHub"; output; run; data anno_info; set anno_gray_background anno_info; run; proc gslide anno=anno_info des='' name='info'; run; /*----------------------------confsum---------------------------------------*/ /* this is the grand sum (large number) over the confirmed table */ /* xpixels=(15-.5)/100*1400 ypixels=(89-75)/100*700 */ goptions xpixels=203 ypixels=98; proc sql noprint; create table anno_confirmed_total as select sum(confirmed) as sum_confirmed from latest_confirmed; quit; run; data anno_confirmed_total; set anno_confirmed_total; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; position='5'; style='albany amt/bold'; color="graycc"; size=11; x=50; y=84; text="Total Confirmed"; output; html='title='||quote(trim(left(put(sum_confirmed,comma12.0)))||" total confirmed cases of Wuhan Coronavirus worldwide"); style='albany amt/bold'; color="red"; size=40; x=50; y=50; text=trim(left(put(sum_confirmed,comma12.0))); output; run; data anno_confirmed_total; set anno_gray_background anno_confirmed_total; run; proc gslide anno=anno_confirmed_total des='' name='confsum'; run; /*------------------------------deadsum-------------------------------------*/ /* this is the grand sum (large number) over the deaths table */ goptions xpixels=203 ypixels=98; proc sql noprint; create table anno_deaths_total as select sum(deaths) as sum_deaths from latest_deaths; quit; run; data anno_deaths_total; set anno_deaths_total; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; position='5'; style='albany amt/bold'; color="graycc"; size=11; x=50; y=84; text="Total Deaths"; output; html='title='||quote(trim(left(put(sum_deaths,comma12.0)))||" deaths from Wuhan Coronavirus worldwide"); style='albany amt/bold'; color="white"; size=40; x=50; y=50; text=trim(left(put(sum_deaths,comma12.0))); output; run; data anno_deaths_total; set anno_gray_background anno_deaths_total; run; proc gslide anno=anno_deaths_total des='' name='deadsum'; run; /*------------------------------recosum-------------------------------------*/ /* this is the grand sum (large number) over the recovered table */ goptions xpixels=203 ypixels=98; proc sql noprint; create table anno_recovered_total as select sum(recovered) as sum_recovered from latest_recovered; quit; run; data anno_recovered_total; set anno_recovered_total; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; position='5'; style='albany amt/bold'; color="cx71a81e"; size=11; x=50; y=84; text="Total Recovered"; output; html='title='||quote(trim(left(put(sum_recovered,comma12.0)))||" recovered from Wuhan Coronavirus worldwide"); style='albany amt/bold'; color="cx71a81e"; size=40; x=50; y=50; text=trim(left(put(sum_recovered,comma12.0))); output; run; data anno_recovered_total; set anno_gray_background anno_recovered_total; run; proc gslide anno=anno_recovered_total des='' name='recosum'; run; /*----------------------------map---------------------------------------*/ /* World map, with annotated red bubbles */ /* xpixels=(69.5-15.5)/100*1400 ypixels=(89-35)/100*700 */ goptions xpixels=756 ypixels=378; proc sql noprint; create table map_data as select unique country_region, avg(lat) as lat, avg(long) as long, sum(confirmed) as confirmed from latest_confirmed group by country_region; quit; run; data map_data; set map_data; /* if the average lat/long doesn't land in a good position, hard-code one */ if country_region='Canada' then do; lat=52.7765273; long=-107.4818132; end; if country_region='Sweden' then do; lat=63.7425748; long=16.5564647; end; if country_region='Russia' then do; lat=55.4645521; long=37.3415677; end; length html $300; html='title='||quote( trim(left(country_region))||'0d'x|| trim(left(put(confirmed,comma12.0)))||' confirmed cases' ); run; /* The country names have to match in the data & map, for the choro map */ data my_map; set mapsgfk.world (where=(density<=2 and idname^='Antarctica') drop=resolution); length country_region $100; country_region=idname; if idname='Russian Federation' then country_region='Russia'; if idname='China' then country_region='Mainland China'; if idname='United States' then country_region='US'; if idname='United Kingdom' then country_region='UK'; if idname='Viet Nam' then country_region='Vietnam'; if idname='China/Taiwan_POC' then country_region='Taiwan'; run; proc gproject data=my_map out=my_map latlong eastlong degrees project=miller2 parmout=projparm; id country_region; run; /* Project the bubble lat/longs the same way you did the map */ proc gproject data=map_data out=map_data latlong eastlong degrees parmin=projparm parmentry=my_map; id; run; /* these control the size of the blue bubbles */ %let max_val=100000; /* maximum number of confirmed cases (will correspond to maximum bubble size) */ %let max_area=200; /* maximum bubble size (area) */ data anno_bubbles; set map_data; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='2'; ysys='2'; hsys='3'; when='a'; function='pie'; rotate=360; style='psolid'; color="red"; size=.5+sqrt((confirmed/&max_val)*&max_area/3.14); output; run; data anno_bubbles; set anno_gray_background anno_bubbles; run; pattern1 v=s c=gray99; proc gmap data=map_data map=my_map all anno=anno_bubbles; id country_region; choro confirmed / levels=1 nolegend cdefault=gray55 coutline=gray77 html=html des='' name='map'; run; proc sql noprint; create table not_in_map as select unique country_region from map_data where country_region not in (select unique country_region from my_map); quit; run; /*--------------------------conftab-----------------------------------------*/ /* confirmed table */ /* xpixels=(15-.5)/100*1400 ypixels=(74-1)/100*700 */ goptions xpixels=203 ypixels=511; proc sql noprint; create table anno_table_confirmed as select unique country_region, sum(confirmed) as confirmed from latest_confirmed group by country_region; quit; run; proc sort data=anno_table_confirmed out=anno_table_confirmed; by descending confirmed country_region; run; data anno_table_confirmed; set anno_table_confirmed (obs=16); if country_region='United Arab Emirates' then country_region='UAE'; run; data anno_table_confirmed; set anno_table_confirmed; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; style='albany amt/bold'; size=11; y=99-(_n_*6); html='title='||quote(trim(left(put(confirmed,comma12.0)))||" confirmed cases of Wuhan Coronavirus in "||trim(left(country_region))); text=trim(left(put(confirmed,comma12.0))); x=28; position='4'; color="red"; output; text=trim(left(country_region)); x=x+5; position='6'; color="graycc"; output; /* annotate an invisible box, for the html= mouse-over text */ html='title='||quote(trim(left(put(confirmed,comma12.0)))||" confirmed cases of Wuhan Coronavirus in "||trim(left(country_region))); function='move'; x=0; y=y-3; output; function='bar'; x=100; y=y+5; style='empty'; line=3; size=.001; color="pink"; output; run; data anno_table_confirmed; set anno_table_confirmed; output; if _n_=1 then do; style='albany amt'; color="graycc"; text='- up to top 16 -'; x=50; y=y+5; position='5'; output; end; run; data anno_table_confirmed; set anno_gray_background anno_table_confirmed; run; proc gslide anno=anno_table_confirmed des='' name='conftab'; run; /*---------------------------deadtab----------------------------------------*/ /* dead table */ /* xpixels=(84.5-70)/100*1400 ypixels=(74-16)/100*700 */ goptions xpixels=203 ypixels=406; proc sql noprint; create table anno_table_deaths as select unique country_region, sum(deaths) as deaths from latest_deaths group by country_region; quit; run; proc sort data=anno_table_deaths out=anno_table_deaths; by descending deaths country_region; run; data anno_table_deaths; set anno_table_deaths (where=(deaths>0)); run; data anno_table_deaths; set anno_table_deaths (obs=13); if country_region='United Arab Emirates' then country_region='UAE'; run; data anno_table_deaths; set anno_table_deaths; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; style='albany amt/bold'; size=11; y=98-(_n_*7); text=trim(left(put(deaths,comma12.0))); x=28; position='4'; color="white"; output; text=trim(left(country_region)); x=x+5; position='6'; color="graycc"; output; /* annotate an invisible box, for the html= mouse-over text */ html='title='||quote(trim(left(put(deaths,comma12.0)))||" deaths from Wuhan Coronavirus in "||trim(left(country_region))); function='move'; x=0; y=y-3; output; function='bar'; x=100; y=y+5; style='empty'; line=3; size=.001; color="pink"; output; run; data anno_table_deaths; set anno_table_deaths; output; if _n_=1 then do; style='albany amt'; color="graycc"; text='- up to top 13 -'; x=50; y=y+6; position='5'; output; end; run; data anno_table_deaths; set anno_gray_background anno_table_deaths; run; proc gslide anno=anno_table_deaths des='' name='deadtab'; run; /*---------------------------recotab----------------------------------------*/ /* recovered table */ goptions xpixels=203 ypixels=406; proc sql noprint; create table anno_table_recovered as select unique country_region, sum(recovered) as recovered from latest_recovered group by country_region; quit; run; proc sort data=anno_table_recovered out=anno_table_recovered; by descending recovered country_region; run; data anno_table_recovered; set anno_table_recovered (where=(recovered>0)); run; data anno_table_recovered; set anno_table_recovered (obs=13); if country_region='United Arab Emirates' then country_region='UAE'; run; data anno_table_recovered; set anno_table_recovered; length function $8 color $12 style $35 text $300 html $300; xsys='3'; ysys='3'; when='a'; hsys='d'; function='label'; style='albany amt/bold'; size=11; y=98-(_n_*7); text=trim(left(put(recovered,comma12.0))); x=28; position='4'; color="cx71a81e"; output; text=trim(left(country_region)); x=x+5; position='6'; color="graycc"; output; /* annotate an invisible box, for the html= mouse-over text */ html='title='||quote(trim(left(put(recovered,comma12.0)))||" recovered from Wuhan Coronavirus in "||trim(left(country_region))); function='move'; x=0; y=y-3; output; function='bar'; x=100; y=y+5; style='empty'; line=3; size=.001; color="pink"; output; run; data anno_table_recovered; set anno_table_recovered; output; if _n_=1 then do; style='albany amt'; color="graycc"; text='- up to top 13 -'; x=50; y=y+6; position='5'; output; end; run; data anno_table_recovered; set anno_gray_background anno_table_recovered; run; proc gslide anno=anno_table_recovered des='' name='recotab'; run; /*---------------------------series----------------------------------------*/ /* time series graph */ /* xpixels=(69.5-15.5)/100*1400 ypixels=(34-1)/100*700 */ goptions xpixels=756 ypixels=231; data summarized_series; length grouping $50; set confirmed_data; if index(country_region,'China')^=0 then grouping='Mainland China'; else grouping='Other Locations'; run; proc sql noprint; create table summarized_series as select unique snapshot, grouping, sum(confirmed) as confirmed from summarized_series group by snapshot, grouping order by grouping, snapshot; quit; run; data summarized_series; set summarized_series; length html $300; html='title='||quote( trim(left(grouping))||'0d'x|| lowcase(trim(left(put(snapshot,dateampm22.))))||'0d'x|| trim(left(put(confirmed,comma12.0)))||' confirmed cases' ); run; /* There seems to be a bug in gplot mouseover text, when used in greplay in this way. Therefore I'm annotating 'invisible' circles around the gplot markers, with the html mouse-over on the annotated circles. */ data anno_mouseover; set summarized_series; length function $8 color $12 style $35 html $300; xsys='2'; ysys='2'; hsys='3'; when='b'; x=snapshot; y=confirmed; function='pie'; style='pempty'; size=3; rotate=360; color='gray22'; run; proc sql noprint; select min(snapshot) format=datetime20. into :mindate from summarized_series; select max(snapshot) format=datetime20. into :maxdate from summarized_series; select max(snapshot)-min(snapshot) into :byval from summarized_series; quit; run; axis1 value=(c=graycc h=11pt) label=none minor=none offset=(0,0); axis2 label=none order=("&mindate"dt to "&maxdate"dt by &byval) major=(height=8pt) value=(c=graycc h=11pt font='albany amt'); legend1 value=(c=graycc font="albany amt/bold" h=11pt) shape=symbol(4pct,4pct) label=(position=top font="albany amt/bold" h=11pt c=graycc "Total Confirmed Cases") position=(top left inside) mode=share across=1 repeat=2 offset=(3pct, -8pct); symbol1 interpol=sm50 height=8pt width=2 color=orange value=square; symbol2 interpol=sm50 height=8pt width=2 color=cyan value=triangle; title1 h=2pct ' '; footnote1 h=2pct ' '; data anno_mouseover; set anno_mouseover anno_gray_background; run; proc gplot data=summarized_series anno=anno_mouseover; format confirmed comma12.0; format snapshot datetime15.; plot confirmed*snapshot=grouping / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1 des='' name="series"; run; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* turn on display again, and replay all the individual graphs into a custom greplay template layout. */ goptions display; %let border=gray44; goptions xpixels=1400 ypixels=700; proc greplay nofs igout=work.gseg tc=tempcat; tdef dash des='Wuhan Coronavirus Dashboard' 0/ llx=0 lly=0 ulx=0 uly=100 urx=100 ury=100 lrx=100 lry=0 1/ llx=.5 lly=90 ulx=.5 uly=99 urx=99.5 ury=99 lrx=99.5 lry=90 color=&border 2/ llx=.5 lly=75 ulx=.5 uly=89 urx=15 ury=89 lrx=15 lry=75 color=&border 3/ llx=.5 lly=1 ulx=.5 uly=74 urx=15 ury=74 lrx=15 lry=1 color=&border 4/ llx=70 lly=75 ulx=70 uly=89 urx=84.5 ury=89 lrx=84.5 lry=75 color=&border 5/ llx=70 lly=16 ulx=70 uly=74 urx=84.5 ury=74 lrx=84.5 lry=16 color=&border 6/ llx=85 lly=75 ulx=85 uly=89 urx=99.5 ury=89 lrx=99.5 lry=75 color=&border 7/ llx=85 lly=16 ulx=85 uly=74 urx=99.5 ury=74 lrx=99.5 lry=16 color=&border 8/ llx=15.5 lly=35 ulx=15.5 uly=89 urx=69.5 ury=89 lrx=69.5 lry=35 color=&border 9/ llx=15.5 lly=1 ulx=15.5 uly=34 urx=69.5 ury=34 lrx=69.5 lry=1 color=&border 10/ llx=70 lly=1 ulx=70 uly=15 urx=99.5 ury=15 lrx=99.5 lry=1 color=&border ; template dash; treplay 9:series 0:back 1:title 2:confsum 3:conftab 4:deadsum 5:deadtab 6:recosum 7:recotab 8:map 10:info des='' name="&name"; run; /* We don't have Hong Kong and Macau in our world map */ /* That's ok - those polygons would be too small to see anyway */ /* They still get a red bubble. */ /* title "country_region names not in the map"; proc print data=not_in_map; run; proc print data=anno_bubbles; run; */ proc print data=foo; run; quit; ODS HTML CLOSE; ODS LISTING;