ods html close; ods html file="output.html"; /* Get British Columbia Census divisions from here: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/geographic-data-services/land-use/administrative-boundaries */ proc mapimport out=BC1 datafile="u:\canada\CD_2011.shp"; id cdname; run; /* Try mapping without changing coordinates */ title1 "British Columbia Choromap with Non-Projected Data"; proc sgmap mapdata=BC1 noautolegend; choromap / mapid=cdname; run; /* Try mapping without changing coordinates with OpenStreetMap */ title1 "British Columbia Choromap with Non-Projected Data"; proc sgmap mapdata=BC1 noautolegend; openstreetmap; choromap / mapid=cdname; run; /* The from parameter below was put together from the .prj file. To see a list of some of the .prj files and the values used below, see http://cfconventions.org/wkt-proj-4.html. When looking at the .prj file, here are the PROJ.4 values: +proj = PROJCS +dataum = DATUM +ellps = Spheroid +x_0 = False_Easting +y_0 = False_Northing +lon_0 = Central_Merdian +lat_0 = Latitude_Of_Origin +lat_1 = Standard_Parallel_1 +lat_2 = Standard_Parallel_2 +units = UNIT +no_defs Examples can be seen in sashelp.proj4def. */ proc gproject data=BC1 out=BC from="+proj=aea +datum=NAD83 +ellps=GRS80 +x_0=1000000.0 +y_0=0.0 +lon_0=-126.0 +lat_0=45.0 +lat_1=50.0 +lat_2=58.5 +units=m +no_defs" to="EPSG:4326"; /* always use EPSG:4236 for OSM and Esri */ id cdname; run; title1 "British Columbia Choromap with Projected Data"; proc sgmap mapdata=BC noautolegend; openstreetmap; choromap / mapid=cdname; run; quit; ods html close;