%let gpath=C:\; %let dpi=200; %let w=5in; %let h=3in; ods html close; ods listing gpath="&gpath" image_dpi=&dpi; /*--Survey Data with breaks--*/ data survey; length Question $ 100; input response Question $8-110; format response percent5.0; datalines; 0.724 For a better understanding of how SAS technology and ^solutions are already being used at my company 0.448 For a chance to get my questions ^answered by SAS expert 0.759 To get information about new SAS technologies and ^solutions of interest to my company 0.621 To gain awareness of the many resources and services ^available to my company as a SAS customer 0.586 To get a chance to connect with other SAS users at my ^organization 0.035 Other ; run; /*proc print;run;*/ /*--HBar Splitchar--*/ ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='HBar_SplitChar'; title 'What were your reasons to attend this SAS Conference?'; title2 h=4pt ' '; proc sgplot data=survey noborder; hbar question / response=response stat=mean nostatlabel dataskin=pressed displaybaseline=auto filltype=gradient fillattrs=graphdata1 datalabel datalabelattrs=(size=8) barwidth=0.7; yaxis fitpolicy=split display=(nolabel noticks noline) splitchar='^' valueattrs=(size=8) discreteorder=data; xaxis display=(noline noticks nolabel) grid valueattrs=(size=8); run;