%let gpath=C:\; ods html close; %let w=4in; %let h=2in; %let dpi=200; ods listing gpath="&gpath" image_dpi=&dpi; /*--Gradient--*/ title 'SAS 9.4M5 Gradient Bars'; ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='Gradient_94M5'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars(where=(type ne 'Hybrid')) noborder; vbar type / response=mpg_city stat=mean filltype=gradient displaybaseline=auto; yaxis display=(noline); xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks); run; /*--Gradient Grid--*/ title 'SAS 9.4M5 Gradient Bars'; ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='Gradient_Grid_94M5'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars(where=(type ne 'Hybrid')) noborder; vbar type / response=mpg_city stat=mean filltype=gradient displaybaseline=auto; yaxis grid display=(noticks noline); xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks); run; /*--Gradient Alpha--*/ title 'SAS 9.4M5 Gradient Two Color Bars'; ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='Gradient_Alpha_94M5'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars(where=(type ne 'Hybrid')) noborder; vbar type / response=mpg_city stat=mean filltype=alphagradient displaybaseline=auto ; yaxis grid display=(noticks noline); xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks); run; /*--Gradient Grid with 2nd color--*/ title 'SAS 9.4M5 Gradient Two Color Bars'; ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='Gradient_Two_Color_94M5'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars(where=(type ne 'Hybrid')) noborder; vbar type / response=mpg_city stat=mean filltype=gradient displaybaseline=auto fillattrs=graphdata2 fillendcolor=yellow; yaxis grid display=(noticks noline); xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks); run; /*--Gradient Grid with 2nd color--*/ title 'SAS 9.4M5 Gradient Two Color Bars'; ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='Gradient_Two_Color_2_94M5'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars(where=(type ne 'Hybrid')) noborder; vbar type / response=mpg_city stat=mean filltype=gradient displaybaseline=auto fillattrs=graphdata2 fillendcolor=darkred; yaxis grid display=(noticks noline); xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks); run; /*--Gradient Grid with 2nd color and skin--*/ title 'SAS 9.4M5 Gradient Two Color Bars'; ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='Gradient_Two_Color_Skin_94M5'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars(where=(type ne 'Hybrid')) noborder; vbar type / response=mpg_city stat=mean filltype=gradient dataskin=matte displaybaseline=auto fillattrs=graphdata2 fillendcolor=darkred; yaxis grid display=(noticks noline); xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks); run; /*--Gradient Grid with 2nd color and skin--*/ title 'Distribution of City Mileage'; ods graphics / reset width=&w height=&h imagename='Hist_Two_Color_Skin_94M5'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars(where=(type ne 'Hybrid')) noborder; histogram mpg_city / filltype=gradient dataskin=matte fillattrs=(color=silver) fillendcolor=cx5f5f5f; yaxis grid display=(noticks noline); xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks); run;