%let gpath='.'; ods html close; %let w=4in; %let dpi=200; ods listing gpath=&gpath image_dpi=&dpi; /*--Grouped Series--*/ data seriesMultiVar; label Drug_A='Drug A' Drug_B='Drug B' Drug_C='Drug C'; drop i; format Date Date9.; do i=0 to 355 by 15, 365 to 365 by 1; date='01jan2009'd+i; Drug_A = 16+ 3*sin(i/90+0.5) + 1*sin(3*i/90+0.7); Drug_B = 10+ 3*sin(i/90+0.5) + 1*cos(3*i/90+0.7); Drug_C = 10+ 3*cos(i/90+0.5) + 1*sin(3*i/90+0.7);; output; end; run; /*ods html;*/ /*proc print data=seriesMultiVar(obs=6);*/ /* var date drug_a drug_b drug_c;*/ /*run;*/ /*ods html close;*/ /*--Grouped Series--*/ data seriesGroup; drop Drug_A Drug_B Drug_C; set seriesMultiVar; Drug='Drug A'; Response=Drug_A; output; Drug='Drug B'; Response=Drug_B; output; Drug='Drug C'; Response=Drug_C; output; run; /*ods html;*/ /*proc print data=seriesGroup(obs=6);*/ /* var date drug response;*/ /*run;*/ /*ods html close;*/ /*--Series Plot--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='Series'; title 'Response by Date'; proc sgplot data=seriesMultiVar; series x=date y=Drug_A; xaxis display=(nolabel); run; /*--Series Plot Sparse Smooth Thick--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='SeriesSmoothThk'; title 'Response by Date'; proc sgplot data=seriesMultiVar subpixel; series x=date y=Drug_A / smoothconnect lineattrs=(thickness=3); xaxis display=(nolabel); run; /*--Multi Var Series Plot Sparse Smooth Thick--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='SeriesMulti'; title 'Response by Date'; proc sgplot data=seriesMultiVar subpixel noborder; series x=date y=Drug_A / smoothconnect lineattrs=(thickness=3); series x=date y=Drug_B / smoothconnect lineattrs=(thickness=3); series x=date y=Drug_C / smoothconnect lineattrs=(thickness=3); xaxis display=(nolabel); yaxis label='Response'; run; /*--Grouped Series Plot Sparse Smooth Thick Label--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in attrpriority=color imagename='SeriesGroupLabelArrow'; title 'Response by Date'; proc sgplot data=seriesGroup subpixel noborder; series x=date y=response / group=drug lineattrs=(thickness=3) arrowheadpos=end arrowheadshape=barbed curvelabel; xaxis display=(nolabel); yaxis display=(noline noticks) grid; run; /*--Icon--*/ ods listing image_dpi=100; ods graphics / reset width=2.7in height=1.8in attrpriority=color imagename='SeriesIcon'; title 'Response by Date'; proc sgplot data=seriesGroup subpixel noborder; series x=date y=response / group=drug lineattrs=(thickness=3) arrowheadpos=end arrowheadshape=barbed curvelabel; xaxis display=(nolabel); yaxis display=(noline noticks) grid; run;