%let gpath='C:\'; %let dpi=200; ods html close; proc format; value item 1='Draft Document' 2='Final Document' 3='Design / Acquision' 4='Award Contract' 5='Construction' 6='Closeout'; run; data schedule; input Item $1-20 Group $21-30 Start End id; format Start End Start2 End2 monyy7.; informat Start End date9.; start2=start+30; end2=end+30; if group='Baseline' then id2=id+0.25; else id2=id-0.25; id3=id2+0.05; datalines; Draft Document Baseline 01Jun2005 01Mar2008 1 Final Document Baseline 01Mar2008 01Mar2009 2 Design / Acquision Baseline 01Mar2009 01Jan2012 3 Award Contract Baseline 01Jan2012 01Apr2012 4 Construction Baseline 01Apr2012 01Jan2015 5 Closeout Baseline 01Jan2015 01Jan2018 6 Draft Document Current 01Jan2006 01Jun2011 1 Final Document Current 01Jun2011 01Oct2011 2 Design / Acquision Current 01Oct2011 01Nov2011 3 Award Contract Current 01Nov2011 01May2012 4 Construction Current 01May2012 01Jan2015 5 Closeout Current 01Jan2015 01Jan2018 6 ; run; ods html; proc print noobs; var item group start end id id2 id3; run; ods html close; %modstyle (name=schedule, parent=htmlblue, colors=cxAC9411 cx315cb0, fillcolors=cxFCB441 cx418cf0); run; ods listing style=schedule gpath=&gpath image_dpi=&dpi; /*--Basic Schedule Chart--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='Schedule_Line_93_1'; proc sgplot data=schedule(where=(group eq 'Baseline')) noautolegend; title 'Schedule for Mid-Atlantic Light Rail (SAS 9.3)'; format id item.; step y=id x=start / lineattrs=(thickness=3); highlow y=id low=start high=end / type=bar intervalbarwidth=20 name='a'; yaxis reverse display=(nolabel) grid; xaxis display=(nolabel) grid; /* keylegend 'a' / location=inside position=topright across=1;*/ run; %modstyle (name=schedule, parent=htmlblue, colors=cxCC8431 cx315cb0, fillcolors=cxFCB441 cx418cf0); run; ods listing style=schedule gpath=&gpath image_dpi=&dpi; /*--Schedule Chart with Drop Shadows--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='Schedule_Line_93_2'; proc sgplot data=schedule; title 'Schedule for Mid-Atlantic Light Rail (SAS 9.3)'; format id2 id3 item.; highlow y=id3 low=start2 high=end2 / type=bar fillattrs=(color=gray) intervalbarwidth=15 name='a' lineattrs=(color=gray); step y=id2 x=start / group=group groupdisplay=cluster lineattrs=(thickness=3); highlow y=id2 low=start high=end / type=bar group=group intervalbarwidth=15 name='a' lineattrs=(color=black); yaxis reverse display=(nolabel) grid values=(1 to 6 by 1) offsetmin=0.1 offsetmax=0.1; xaxis display=(nolabel) grid; keylegend 'a' / location=inside position=topright across=1; run;