ods html close; %let gpath='C:\'; %let dpi=200; ods listing style=htmlblue image_dpi=&dpi gpath=&gpath; data QTc_Mean_Group; input Week Drug $ Mean Low High N; if week ne 28 then mean2=mean; if week eq 2 then do; ylabel='C'; label='Number of subjects at visit'; end; datalines; 0 A 0 0 0 216 0 B 0 0 0 431 1 A -0.1 -2.0 1.8 210 1 B 0.5 -1.0 2.1 423 2 A -0.6 -2.8 1.8 206 2 B -3.2 -4.8 -1.6 364 4 A 0.4 -1.9 2.4 199 4 B -1.8 -3.6 0.0 362 8 A -1.6 -4.0 0.8 191 8 B -2.8 -4.4 -1.2 337 12 A -3.0 -5.6 -0.4 184 12 B -2.0 -3.6 -0.4 315 16 A -1.2 -3.6 1.2 176 16 B -3.0 -5.0 -1.0 311 20 A -1.6 -4.6 1.4 169 20 B -3.2 -4.8 -1.6 299 24 A -2.2 -5.0 0.6 164 24 B -2.0 -3.8 -0.2 293 28 A -1.6 -3.6 1.0 214 28 B -1.8 -3.2 -0.4 429 ; run; /*--Format for the week variable--*/ proc format; value qtcmean 28='LOCF'; ; run; /*--QTc Graph only--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='QTc_Mean_SG_Basic'; footnote j=l h=0.8 "Note: Vertical lines represent 95% confidence intervals. LOCF is last observation carried forward"; proc sgplot data=QTc_Mean_Group; format week qtcmean.; scatter x=week y=mean / yerrorupper=high yerrorlower=low group=drug groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=0.5 markerattrs=(size=7 symbol=circlefilled); series x=week y=mean2 / group=drug groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=0.5; refline 26 / axis=x; refline 0 / axis=y lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); xaxis type=linear values=(0 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28) max=29 valueshint; yaxis label='Mean change (msec)' values=(-6 to 3 by 1); run; title; footnote; /*--QTc Graph witn internal AtRisk Table--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='QTc_Mean_SG_InnerTable'; footnote j=l h=0.8 "Note: Vertical lines represent 95% confidence intervals. LOCF is last observation carried forward"; proc sgplot data=QTc_Mean_Group; format week qtcmean.; format n 3.0; scatter x=week y=mean / yerrorupper=high yerrorlower=low group=drug groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=0.5 markerattrs=(size=7 symbol=circlefilled); series x=week y=mean2 / group=drug groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=0.5; scatter x=week y=ylabel / markerchar=label y2axis markercharattrs=(size=6 weight=bold); scatter x=week y=drug / group=drug markerchar=n y2axis markercharattrs=(size=6 weight=bold); refline 26 / axis=x; refline 0 / axis=y lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); refline -6.25 / axis=y; xaxis type=linear values=(0 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28) max=29 valueshint offsetmin=0.05 offsetmax=0.05; yaxis label='Mean change (msec)' values=(-6 to 3 by 1) offsetmin=0.18; y2axis display=none offsetmin=0.88 reverse; run; title; footnote; /*--Anno data set--*/ ods escapechar '~'; data anno; retain function 'text' y1space 'graphpercent'; retain textsize 6; length textcolor $25 label $100 x1space $12 textweight $6; drop week n drug; set QTc_Mean_Group(keep=week n drug) end=last; width=10; anchor='center'; x1space='datavalue'; textweight='bold'; label=put(n, 5.0); y1=6; textcolor='GraphData2:contrastcolor'; if drug='A' then do; y1=9; textcolor='Graphdata1:contrastcolor'; end; x1=week; if last then do; output; x1=2; y1=6; textcolor='Graphdata2:contrastcolor'; width=10; label='Drug B'; x1space='graphpercent'; anchor='left'; textsize=6; textweight='bold'; output; x1=2; y1=9; textcolor='Graphdata1:contrastcolor'; width=10; label='Drug A'; x1space='graphpercent'; anchor='left'; textsize=6; textweight='bold'; output; x1=0; y1=13; textcolor=''; width=40; label='Number of subjects at visit'; x1space='datavalue'; anchor='left'; textsize=8; textweight='normal'; output; x1=2; y1=2; textcolor=''; width=100; x1space='graphpercent'; label='Note: Vertical lines represent 95% confidence intervals. LOCF is last observation carried forward'; anchor='left'; textsize=8; textstyle='italic'; textweight='normal'; output; end; else output; ; run; /*--QTc Graph witn internal AtRisk Table--*/ ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='QTc_Mean_SG_OuterTable_V93'; /*footnote j=l "Note: Vertical lines represent 95% confidence intervals. LOCF is last observation carried forward";*/ proc sgplot data=QTc_Mean_Group sganno=anno pad=(bottom=14%); format week qtcmean.; scatter x=week y=mean / yerrorupper=high yerrorlower=low group=drug groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=0.5 markerattrs=(size=7 symbol=circlefilled); series x=week y=mean2 / group=drug groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=0.5; refline 26 / axis=x; refline 0 / axis=y lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); xaxis type=linear values=(0 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28) max=29 valueshint; yaxis label='Mean change (msec)' values=(-6 to 3 by 1); run; title; footnote;