Search Results: Discrete attribute map (48)

Data Visualization
Ed Odom 3
SGMAP: Using MAPIMPORT for Polygon Maps

An earlier SGMAP blog used the BUBBLE statement to overlay point data on top of an Open Street Map. However, not all map features are points. Some are enclosed areas called polygons. Some map polygons share common borders such as states and counties. Others are separate, non-contiguous regions such as national parks

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 1
Tips and tricks: Segmented discrete axis

The previous post on Multiple Blank Categories showed how to include multiple blank categories on the axis.  But, given the purpose for this was to separate different segments in the data, I also included ideas on how to segmented a discrete axis using reference lines or Block Plot.  A similar idea

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 2
Micro Maps

MicroMaps are a powerful way to display data where the display includes small, lightweight maps to provide geographical information regarding the data.  This geographical information gives clues to the relationship between the data that could lead to more insight. The SAS SG Procedures and GTL do not currently have built-in

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 1
Attributes Map - 2

Last week I wrote about how you can use the Discrete Attributes Map to ensure that group values with specific names are represented in the graph with specific colors or other visual  attributes such as marker symbol or line pattern. This attributes map also supports a special keyword "OTHER" which can be used to

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 8
Attribute Maps - 1

You created a graph of Response over Time by Severity where Severity has three levels, "Severe", "Moderate' and "Mild".  How do you ensure that "Severe" is always red in your graph, regardless of the data order? Normally, when creating any graph with a GROUP role, the distinct group values are assigned the style

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