Search Results: Visual Analytics (1733)

Miriam Audelo 0
Andar en la nube: una buena idea

Los gurús del mundo corporativo no dejan de repetir un veredicto: en los mercados digitales de nuestros días, quien analice los datos de su consumidor y de su entorno de negocios estará en posición de alcanzar el éxito. Creer en el planteamiento es fácil. Como lo han señalado algunos estudios,

Helge S. Rosebø 0
Results-as-a-Service – der Turbo für intelligenteres Business

Ein großer Teil unseres Lebens besteht darin, möglichst intelligente Entscheidungen zu treffen. Eine echte Herausforderung angesichts der Fülle an Informationen und Daten, der wir heute ausgesetzt sind. Im Geschäftskontext heißt das: Nur wenn evidenzbasierte Entscheidungsprozesse tief in der Unternehmenskultur (unabhängig von Typ und Menge der Daten) verankert werden, lässt sich

Tim Clark 0
The spreadsheet: Friend or foe?

For many years the humble spreadsheet has held many different roles and responsibilities supporting finance, marketing, sales -- pretty much every department in your business. There's always someone with a “magic spreadsheet,” but how effective is this culture that always uses the same format to consume data? My view of

Machine Learning
SAS Korea 0
이미지 인식, 비즈니스를 위해 준비된 첨단 데이터 과학

‘이미지 인식(Image recognition)’, 머신러닝과 인공지능(AI)을 포함한 기술 산업 전반을 뜨겁게 달구고 있는 주요 이슈입니다. 특히 컴퓨터 비전, 즉 영상 처리 기술은 무인 자동차, 얼굴 인식, 의료 결과 예측 등 수많은 혁신 기술들을 현실화하는 핵심 요소인데요. 그 가운데 크고 작은 많은 기업들은 이미지 인식과 관련된 다양한 기반 기술과 프로세스의 가능성을 실현하기 위해

Analytics | Internet of Things
Thomas Rohrmann 0
IoT ist kein Projektgeschäft: Ein Kommentar zur aktuellen Industrie 4.0 Debatte

„Wer 100% sicher sein will, ist 100% zu spät.“ Diesen Satz habe ich letztens auf dem IoT Forum in München gehört. Er fasst gut das Gefühl zusammen, dass mich in der deutschsprachigen Industrie 4.0 Debatte beschleicht. Die Buzz-Word-Schlachten der letzten 48 Monate haben ihre Wirkung nicht verfehlt: Kaum ein Strategiepapier

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Marcie Montague 0
Impressive technology, surprising connections

Two minutes in, I knew the 2017 SAS Global Forum Technology Connection would not be typical or average. For one thing, it was SAS Chief Technology Officer Oliver Schabenberger's show, and nothing he does is ever typical or average. The first surprise of the morning was his entrance. He zoomed onto the stage on a Segway, using slight

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Colin Bristow 0
Anti-money laundering requirements: Are the stakes increasing?

Part 504 of the US Department of Financial Services Superintendent’s Regulations seems to significantly up the requirements for firms to conduct ongoing review and continuously improve their approach to anti-money laundering (AML) monitoring. But is it really very different from the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force's broader suggestions to introduce

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Andrew Pease 0
Image recognition: Cutting edge data science ready for business

Image recognition is a hot and hyped topic in machine learning, artificial intelligence and other technology circles. Computer vision technology is essential for realizing advancements like driverless cars, face recognition, medical outcomes predictions, and a host of other breakthrough innovations. Amidst the hype, organizations large and small are trying to understand the

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