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Learn SAS | Predictions
Alexis Mallis 0
Optimize learning for sustained employee growth in 2024 with these 5 tips

As the idea of professional growth has changed, organizations have shifted their approach to learning and development (L&D) for employees. However, we’ve noticed this shift is more focused on identifying employees’ training needs to increase motivation and retain top talent. Throughout 2024, we expect to experience a continuation of this

Learn SAS
Jongman Jeong 0
SAS Job Execution Web 애플리케이션 훑어보기

이번 글에서는 SAS의 Job Execution에 대해서 알아보려고 합니다. 개념과 접속방법, 실행방법, 편집방법을 예제를 활용해 간단히 알아보겠습니다. 1. Job Execution 소개 SAS Job Execution Web Application은 작업을 생성, 관리 및 실행하는 데 사용되는 웹 기반 클라이언트입니다. Java로 작성된 이 애플리케이션은 서버에서 실행되는 강력한 분석 및 프리젠테이션 프로시저와 함께 데이터에 대한 액세스를

Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Functions for continuous probability distributions in SAS

The documentation for Python's SciPy package provides a table that concisely summarizes functions that are associated with continuous probability distributions. This article provides a similar table for SAS functions. For more information on the CDF, PDF, quantile, and random-variate functions, see "Four essential functions for statistical programmers." SAS functions for

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Learn SAS | Work & Life at SAS
Adriana Rojas 0
Colaboración entre universidades y empresas: intercambio mutuo de conocimiento

No creo que ninguno de los lectores de este post llegue a sorprenderse si les contamos que en SAS estamos al 100% comprometidos con el mundo académico. No obstante, hace casi medio siglo que nuestra compañía nació precisamente en las aulas de una universidad, la de Carolina del Norte. Desde

Analytics | Learn SAS
Catherine (Cat) Truxillo 0
5 claves para crear equipos de analítica más sólidos

Debido a la complejidad y cambios en el mercado, las organizaciones de todo el mundo están aprovechando las oportunidades para hacer mejores predicciones, identificar soluciones y dar pasos estratégicos y proactivos, lo que significa que dependen cada vez más de los big data. Sin embargo, en su búsqueda de resistencia

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Yinliang Wu 0
How to evaluate SAS expressions in PROC DS2 dynamically

Some readers read the article “how-to-evaluate-sas-expression-in-data-step-dynamically” and wonder if there is a same mechanism or functionality in DS2. As indicated in that article, SAS provides similar features in DATA step, PROC CAS and PROC Python, but some projects like ESP (Event Stream Processing) projects would store those expression definition in

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