Tag: social media analytics

Heather Lowe 0
Data scientist as venture capitalist

We’ve all heard the old saw, “If you torture data long enough, eventually it will confess to something.” But when it comes to spurring real change, how about ditching the dungeon-master act and thinking like a venture capitalist instead? Wouldn’t that pay bigger dividends? That was the tip from Ravi

Customer Intelligence
Leo Sadovy 0
Coolhunting and the Product life cycle

While you might not think that businesses outside the trendy, youth-focused fashion and music markets would have much to learn from the practice of “coolhunting”, there are some key product life cycle principles common to both.  Coolhunting is market research aimed at discovering, in their infancy, new trends in youth markets, catching

Alison Bolen 0
Twitter is a big data problem

Back in my day-one post of this "HPA once a day project," I promised a post about Twitter as "big data." I know some of you are already moaning about the noise on Twitter and the "what I ate for breakfast" type of commentary that's prevalent there. So I'm going to

Customer Intelligence
Jonathan Hornby 0
Social Media - from talk to action

Harvard Business Review Analytic Services have recently published an interesting report – The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action. Get it free here. Of the 2,100 organizations surveyed 75% said they didn’t know where their most valuable customers were talking about them. Two thirds of them are

SAS Events
Brendan Bailey 0
SAS Social Media Analytics Press Launch Event

Dave Thomas reports from the SAS Social Media Analytics Press Launch Event held at SAS Global Forum in Seattle. Dave gets feedback from bloggers, journalists, influencers and analysts in attendance including Paul Greenberg, Wayne Sutton, Justin Levy, Katie Paine and more. Web Links:YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYozcF0BMAw SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2010VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf10episode7