SAS Global Forum 2015:  writing SAS code for a production environment


Last week, Sara Jones shared a list of sample session agendas designed to help you build your personal SAS Global Forum 2015 schedule.  But what if there are other areas of interest or topics you’d like to focus on? This is the first in a series of blog posts that spotlights some of the great conference content available to you—from breakout sessions to e-posters to hands-on workshops.

If you write SAS code for a production environment, you may want to include a couple of sessions that can help you refine your programming techniques and strategies. These sessions address challenges—from beginner to advanced—that face programmers working in any language and show how to address them when programming with SAS:

1565 - Strategies for Error Handling and Program Control: Concepts

2003 - Table-Driven Programming in SAS®

2219 - Table Lookup Techniques: From the Basic to the Innovative

2220 - Are You a Control Freak? Control Your SAS® Programs – Don’t Let Them Control You!

3387 - Why Aren’t Exception Handling Routines Routine? Toward Reliably Robust Code through Increased Quality Standards in Base SAS®

2510 - SAS® Debugging 101

3003 - Tips and Tricks for SAS® Program Automation

2685 -  How Do You Use Lookup Tables?

3162 - Best Practices: Subset without Getting Upset

3461 - Integrating Data and Business Rules with a Control Data Set in SAS®

3106 -  The Best DATA Step Debugging Feature

3187 - Structuring your SAS® Applications for Long-Term Survival: Reproducible Methods in Base SAS® Programming

3305 - Defensive Coding by Example: Kick the Tires, Pump the Breaks, Check Your Blind Spots, and Merge Ahead!

Let me know which ones you plan to attend!  Are there other topics you’d include in this list?


About Author

Christina Harvey

Principal Marketing Specialist

Christina Harvey is an editor for SAS External Communications. She has more than 20 years experience as a technical writer and communications specialist for SAS.

1 Comment

  1. Hello: Christina:

    Very interesting and useful all these themes !!!

    Regarding SAS code for a Production Environmen, how useful is it to use Risk Finance Workbench (RFW) to run SAS programs in a production environment? What advantages would it have over SAS Enterprise Guide? Or would it be better batch execution?

    Thanks for your advice 🙂

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