SAS arrays—be not afraid!


SAS Technical Support Problem SolversArrays are a powerful SAS programming tool. They can be used to simplify coding for repetitive calculations, to transpose data and to evaluate variables in a non-sequential manner. Sometimes users are intimidated by the term array, but in SAS, an array is simply a grouping of variables that lasts for the duration of the DATA step where the array is defined.

In this blog post, I’ll provide the code and explanations for using SAS arrays to solve these common programming problems:

  • Find the closest value to a constant value in a group of variables.
  • Determine which variable in a group meets certain criteria and report corresponding variables.
  • Transpose data and manipulate a group of values.

Find the closest value in a group of variables to a constant value.

In this example, we want to know, for each value of ID, what was the closest visit date to 01Jan2014? By defining an array date with the variables visit1-visit5, we can use a DO loop to evaluate each visit date to see whether it is closer than the previous ones. If so, we redefine the closest and diff variables to contain the closest visit date and the difference between that date and 01Jan2014.

When variables are listed in the array definition statement, SAS first looks for existing variables with those names. If they do not exist, SAS creates them. The default for variables created in an array is numeric type, as it is for variables created otherwise.

The dim() function returns the dimension of an array. You can use this in place of hardcoding the end value.

The string '01jan2014'd is a date constant and is the syntax to refer to a specific date.

data visits;
input id (visit1-visit5) (:date9.);
1 11aug2012 14sep2014 04nov2013 13feb2014 30jun2013
2 23aug2014 02jan2014 01jan2012 08nov2014 15may2013

data results (keep = id closest diff);
format id 8. visit1-visit5 closest date9.;
set visits;
array date[*] visit1-visit5;
closest = date[1];
diff = abs(date[1] - '01jan2014'd);
do i = 2 to dim(date);
  if abs(date[i] - '01jan2014'd) < diff then do;
      closest = date[i];
      diff = abs(date[i] - '01jan2014'd);

proc print; run;

For each ID, the date closest to 01Jan2014 and the difference in number of days is displayed.

SAS output

What variable in a group meets a certain criteria, and what are the corresponding variables?

In this example, we want to know, for each respondent ID, which flavor received the lowest score and what was the date and location of that score? 

The definition for the flav array is using a name range list to refer to all variables in order between apple and kiwi inclusive.

We can use a special SAS name list like _character_ to refer to all character variables currently defined in the DATA step. The LENGTH statement for a new character variable flav_min has to be after the array definition statement if we do not want it included in the array of character variables.

Since the variables for the date array are not listed, SAS first looks for, and if needed, creates variables with the names date1-date5.

The OF operator can be used with certain functions to perform that function on the variable list or array specified.

Once we know the minimum value, we loop through the variables to determine which element matches the minimum value. Then we use the vname() function to return the name of the variable. We find the corresponding variables in the loc and date arrays by using the same i subscript to obtain those values.

The LEAVE statement stops processing the current loop. We do not need to continue processing when we have found the value that matches the minimum. (In this case, we are assuming that there is only one value that matches the minimum.)

data flavors;
input id (apple orange banana grape kiwi) (:8.) (loc1-loc5) (:$1.) (date1-date5) (:date9.);
1 100 98 75 84 92 A A B C D 10jul2014 12jul2014 01aug2014 10aug2014 12sep2014
2 80 78 83 88 72 B C A E D 10jul2014 12jul2014 01aug2014 10aug2014 12sep2014

data flavor_min (keep = id flav_min date_min loc_min);
  retain id flav_min loc_min date_min;
  format date_min date9.;
  set flavors;
  array flav[5] apple--kiwi;    
  array loc[5] _character_;                      
  array date[5];
  length flav_min $10;
  minflav = min(OF flav[*]); 
  do i = 1 to dim(flav);
  if minflav = flav[i] then do;
    flav_min = vname(flav[i]);   
    date_min = date[i];
    loc_min = loc[i];

proc print; run;

For each ID, the resulting output displays the flavor with the lowest score and the corresponding location and date where that score occurred.

SAS output

Transpose data and manipulate a group of values.

In this example, for each ID, we want to keep only the last value of each identical series and set the remaining values to missing so that there is only one observation per ID in the output. In this case, the data is originally what is sometimes called “long”, that is, many observations per BY group.  We want to make it “wide”, or one observation per BY group.

Instead of using the default lower and upper bounds for the array, we specify the array bounds 2007:2014. That way, we can use the value of year to indicate which array element should be updated.

If we do not specify the variable names in the array, they will be defined yr1-yr7 even though the bounds of the array have been defined differently. We explicitly name them yr2007-yr2014 because those are the variable names we want. These are character variables, so we have to specify that in the array definition statement with a $ after the array name.

We use the CALL MISSING() routine to set all the values of the array to missing at the start of each BY group.

Since we want to transpose the data, we read the value for each observation into an element of the array corresponding the year.  We can use the year value as the subscript for the array and set the value of the correct yrn variable to value.

Once we have read the entire BY group into the array, we’ll use a DO loop to check each value of the array against the next value.  If they are the same, we set the current one to missing. We do an explicit OUTPUT at the end of the DO loop because we don’t want to do the default output at the end of each iteration of the data set. We just want to output one observation for the entire BY group.

data years;
  input id year value $1.;
  1 2007 A
  1 2008 A
  1 2010 B
  1 2011 B 
  1 2012 B
  1 2013 A 
  1 2014 A

data years_out (drop = year i value);
  set years;
  by id;
  array yr[2007:2014] $ yr2007-yr2014;
  retain yr:;
  if then do;
  call missing (of yr[*]);
  yr[year] = value;
  if then do;
  do i = 2007 to 2013;
    if yr[i] = yr[i+1] then yr[i] = '';

proc print; run;

The output data set has only one observation for each ID with repeated values set to missing until the last one in a series.

SAS output

Just getting started with arrays?

The best place to start looking for information about arrays is the section on Array Processing in the Language Reference: Concepts document.

There are more examples in the  Statements: Reference document under ARRAY statement and Array Reference Statement.


About Author

Grace Whiteis

SAS Principal Technical Support Analyst

Grace Whiteis is a Technical Support Analyst in the Foundation SAS group. She provides support for SAS Studio. She also provides support for macro, DATA step and Base procedures, with an emphasis on hash, arrays and merge. Grace has SAS Certifications in Base Programming for SAS 9, Advanced Programming for SAS 9, and SAS 9 Platform Administration.

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