Tag: Management Console

Angela Hall 0
Edit your shared prompts

Creating shared prompts to use across the various BI clients requires the use of SAS Management Console's stored process wizard. Editing these prompts after they have been shared requires some forethought. The important thing to consider when making any changes to a prompt's properties is the impact these changes could

Angela Hall 5
Get organized at least in the metadata

New in 9.2, SAS Folders are used to organize the metadata around various content and BI objects. I wrote about this many moons ago but the subject still comes up as more customers get started with the Business Intelligence architecture.  As you can see in the initial SAS Folder structure,

Angela Hall 0
Addressing Multiple Authentication Accounts

In SAS Management Console, administrators have the ability to include multiple user authentication models (ie user name/pwd combinations) for a single Metadata user account in the 'Accounts' tab. Administrators would then organize these by the Authentication Domain definition in SAS Management Console. The 'DefaultAuth' is the initial account used (unless

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