New practice exam options for SAS Global Certification


A common request we receive about SAS Global Certification practice exams is to make them as close as possible to the actual exams so that future test takers get a more accurate feel for the overall exam experience. Good news. Our new practice exams come as close to the “real thing” as you can get, without actually taking the real exam at a Pearson VUE test center.

There are several significant improvement areas. For example, the new practice exams are on the Pearson VUE test delivery system. However, you don’t have to go to a Pearson VUE site to take the practice exams – they are delivered online so you can take them anytime, anyplace.  Once you connect to one of the new practice exams, it looks and feels as if you are taking a real exam. The format is the same as you will encounter at a testing site, as is the movement from one question to the next.

Another improvement area for the new practice exams is that they are very close to the real exams for section balance, length and difficulty level. For you psychometricians out there, the p-value (difficulty level) per practice exam section and for an overall practice exam is within percentage points of the real exam. Some of the questions have appeared on previous versions of actual exams, which means the new practice exams are as close to the real thing as we can make them.  Upon completion of your practice exam, you can access an online score report where you can review all questions, see how you answered each question and view a rationale as to why the correct answer is correct.

And there’s more good news - the fee for a new practice exam on the Pearson VUE platform remains the same as before - $55.00 USD.  Check out details for the new practice exams and see a listing of all available practice exams.  It’s worth noting: there are some practice exams still on the existing platform, meaning they are delivered in one continuous HTML page. These exams will remain available as an option until their content needs to be replaced.

Of course, no one can guarantee that if you pass a practice exam you will definitely pass the real exam, no matter how well-crafted the practice exam may be. What we can say is that the new practice exams offer a realistic representation of the actual exams and the exam experience, and can help identify areas where you may need additional study or practice. So, what are you waiting for? Make your practice time as effective as possible with these new practice exam options.

Questions?  Contact us at


About Author

Terry Barham

Manager, SAS Global Certification

Terry is Manager of the SAS Global Certification program. He has an extensive background in the development and operation of high-stakes certification programs in the IT industry as well as experience in the development and delivery of technical training.

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