Excuse me; but, is that a 32-bit or a 64-bit SAS catalog?


I don’t know about you, but I get pretty determined to prove them wrong when people tell me that I cannot do something. I am not talking about fantastical things such as flying through the heart of the sun and out the other side without getting burned. Nor, am I talking about social things like becoming president of the United States or an author on the New York Times Bestseller list. And, I am not talking about physical things such as swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, and running 26.2 miles back-to-back on the same day. No, I am talking about being told that I cannot do something with SAS.

For example, I was once told:

  • that you could not summarize impossibly large SAS data sets to load a data warehouse. So, I figured out a way to do it.
  • that you could not measure the performance of SAS/IntrNet application programs. So, I figured out a way to do it.
  • that you could not determine which SAS products individual staff members were using on shared servers. So, I figured out a way to do it.
  • that you could not create a chargeback system for UNIX and Linux systems without purchasing an accounting package. So, I figured out a way to do it.

Consequently, when I was told that there was no SAS facility for programmatically determining whether a Windows SAS catalog was a 32-bit catalog or a 64-bit catalog, I resolved to figure out a way to do it.

The background is that my organization plans to migrate from 32-bit SAS to 64-bit SAS as part of a SAS 9.3 to SAS 9.4 upgrade. SAS data sets are compatible between the two bitages, but SAS catalogs are not. Stating the problem: you cannot open a 64-bit SAS catalog with 32-bit SAS. So, it is advantageous to have a tool for determining which SAS catalog is which bitage as you move forward into a mixed-bit programming environment during the transition.

I did my due diligence and researched every place that I thought I might be able to find a way to differentiate the bitage. An indicator in PROC CATALOG if I ran it with the STAT option enabled? Nope. Something in the directory portion of a PROC CONTENTS listing with the DETAILS option specified? Nope. A lesser-known option of PROC DATASETS? Nope. How about a flag in the Dictionary Tables CATALOGS table or in the SASHELP Views VCATALG view? Nope. A Usage Note on support.sas.com. Nope. A SAS technical paper published at either SAS Global Forum or a Regional SAS Users Group? Nope, not that either.

I figured that if you could not tell the difference within SAS, itself, how about if you looked at the catalogs as simply files. So, I got a 32-bit SAS catalog and a 64-bit SAS catalog and opened them with WordPad to take a look inside. Bingo! There was enough information in the very first record of both catalog files to determine the difference. So, I wrote a program that tested for the string of characters that told the tale.

Here is the SAS program that I wrote:

/*Macro to determine bitage of a SAS catalog */
%MACRO Test_Cat_Bitage(SASCatalog);
filename sascat "&SASCatalog";
data decompcat(keep=CAT_BITS SAS_Catalog);
length CAT_BITS $8
SAS_Catalog $50;
infile sascat obs=1 truncover;
input bigline $charzb32767. ;
if index(bigline, "W32_7PRO") > 0 then CAT_BITS = "W32_7PRO";
else if index(bigline, "X64_7PRO") > 0 then CAT_BITS ="X64_7PRO";
else CAT_BITS = "Unknown ";
SAS_Catalog = strip("&SASCatalog");
label CAT_BITS = "Bitage of SAS Catalog"
SAS_Catalog = "Full Path SAS Catalog Name"
proc append base=AllCatalogs
%MEND Test_Cat_Bitage;
/* Example of executing the macro to read a catalog file */

As you can see, the program determines the bitage of a SAS catalog by treating the catalog as a file, not as a catalog. It opens the catalog file and inspects the first line for a specific character string: W32_7PRO for 32-bit catalogs; X64_7PRO for 64-bit catalogs. Once it determines the bitage, the program writes an observation to data set AllCatalogs in the WORK library. Each observation in AllCatalogs has two variables: CAT_BITS, which specifies whether the catalog is 32 or 64 bits, and SAS_Catalog, which is the full path name of the SAS catalog file.

The object of this particular setup is to run the macro against several, a score, dozens, hundreds, or thousands of SAS catalogs and build a SAS data set which identifies their bitage. After that, one may choose to copy AllCatalogs to a permanent SAS data set, or create a report from it. Or both.

Being a talented SAS programmer yourself, I would bet that you also do not like it when people tell you that you cannot do something with SAS. Right? Yea, it goes with the territory. How about posting a comment telling us about a particularly difficult SAS problem you encountered and the clever way that you resolved it? Bet you can’t do that.

Best of luck in all your SAS endeavors!


About Author

Michael A. Raithel

Senior systems analyst for Westat and SAS Press author

Michael A. Raithel is a senior systems analyst for Westat, an employee-owned contract research organization in the Washington, DC area. An internationally recognized expert in the use of SAS software in mainframe and UNIX environments, he is the author of over 25 SAS technical papers and is a popular lecturer at SAS Global Forum and at regional SAS conferences. He has written four books for SAS; the most recent book is How to Become a Top SAS Programmer. A copy of the first edition Tuning SAS Applications in the MVS Environment, resides in the Smithsonian Institution of American History’s Permanent Research Collection of Information Technology.


  1. Arlen Harmoning on

    An innovative approach and very helpful piece of code. The program executed without errors, but all my catalogs were coming up as unknown until I created a new catalog. Searching the catalog file with Notepad, I found W32_7PRO starting at column 225, preceded by my SAS version number. When I looked at the same place in my older catalogs, I found XP_PRO, which was my previous operating system. This also was preceded with an earlier SAS version number.
    Therefore, you might have to add a few other SYSSCPL values. Look up SYSSCPL in the online help and you can see a list of values and would be able to separate into 32bit and 64bit. Your current value can be found in your initial signon log or in the SASHELP.VMACRO table.

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