Stay curious! Benefit yourself and your organization


Recently one of our most popular authors, Michael Raithel, a Senior Systems Analyst for Westat, presented a SAS Talks and was interviewed for an AllAnalytics radio show.  Michael is the author of more than 25 SAS technical papers, four SAS Press books, and a popular lecturer at SAS Global Forum and regional conferences.

In his SAS Talks Webinar, Michael discusses PROC DATASETS and the versatility of this SAS PROC.  In his opinion and many other programmers would tend to agree, if you have to choose just one SAS PROC, this is the one for you.  As Michael says “it’s the veritable Swiss army knife of SAS procedures.”  Listen in to hear this outstanding author tell you why.

On the popular AllAnalytics radio show, Michael was interviewed about his newest book, “How to Become A Top SAS Programmer.” He tells that his inspiration for writing it was from years of speaking at so many SAS events, writing lots of technical papers, as well as books plus content for many SAS listservs.  Michael was finding the same issues/questions were coming up time and time again.  Many programmers were wanting advice on what he would recommend if they were new to SAS programming or programming in general, how to advance their career, how they can be the person that other SAS programmers turn to in addition to being more valuable to their organization and the list goes on and on.

With a quest for knowledge and drive to solve the business needs, you have unlimited prospects for professional growth and success ahead of you. Delve more into learning about why SAS PROC DATASETS is the PROC for you as well as how to distinguish yourself as that top SAS programmer you were meant to be when you listen in on both of these terrific events.

As Michael puts it…”Stay curious, my friend.  That is the best advice I can give to benefit your career and your organization!”


About Author

Cindy Puryear

Senior Marketing Specialist, SAS Publications

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