SAS knowledge that's music to your ears


We are all busy. Between demands from our career, families and communities, I am willing to bet we easily fill the 24 hours we get each day. But sometimes we're in such a rush or so focused on getting our to-do list checked off that we miss out on some wonderful opportunities.

That's exactly what happened one January morning to more than a thousand people in a Washington DC metro station. That morning, the Washington Post conducted an experiment with Joshua Bell, one of the world's best classical violinists. Bell sat by the entrance of the station and for the next 45 minutes played a half-dozen classical pieces. During that time 1,097 people passed by. Typically Bell's concerts sell out in minutes and average more than $100 a seat. So, how many people stopped to appreciate what many would regard as the most elegantly played music in the world? A grand total of six.

Now, granted, most of these folks were on the way to work, which probably meant they were in a hurry, but that's the point. Sometimes we get so caught up in our routines that we miss opportunities that could change or enhance our lives.

As a SAS professional, you are a valuable asset to your company. To succeed and advance in your chosen profession, however, takes hard work, initiative and a dedication to improve your skills. At SAS, we provide a number of opportunities for you to tend to your professional growth by acquiring new SAS skills. And we provide learning opportunities that address a multitude of different learning styles.

If you like the traditional classroom, we offer face-to-face training in more than 30 training centers across the country and a full slate of classes online through our Live Web Classroom. If you learn best through self-study, we offer a host of self-paced e-learning courses and hundreds of books covering every area of SAS technology. And buying SAS books just got easier. In March, we launched the SAS store, where you can now purchase SAS books in both print and e-book formats online (U.S. only at this time). Ground shipping is absolutely free and you can find example code and data for books purchased from the store.

And unlike a world-renowned classical musician, SAS Training and Books are always available, so you don't have to miss out on a great opportunity to advance your SAS learning.


About Author

Larry LaRusso

Principal Communications Specialist at SAS

Larry LaRusso is the editor of the SAS Tech Report and SAS Learning Report newsletters and the SAS Users, Learning Post and Analytics U blogs. He has worked at SAS since 2000 in marketing, communications, customer experience and management roles for both the Education Division and External Communications. You can follow him on Twitter @lalaru102.

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