I'm a WUSS and proud of it


When the Western Users of SAS Software gather in Long Beach, CA this September, I'll be proud to be counted among the WUSSers. (You can learn more about WUSS here; don't look here.)

The WUSS organizers must have some serious clout, because the line-up of presenters reads like a "Who's Who" in the SAS community. If you attend the conference, not only will you see the usual motley collection of SAS staffers, but you'll meet a wide array of SAS experts from all over, including Peter Eberhardt, Tricia Aanderud, AnnMaria DeMars, Kim LeBouton, and many others for whom I didn't spend the 30 seconds to find their links.

I'll be presenting a paper about all of the cool things you can do with SAS Enterprise Guide using its automation features. Because SAS likes to make sure they get their money's worth out of every trip, I'll also have additional sessions about using Windows PowerShell and SAS together, and how to detangle the whole 32-bit-versus-64-bit confusion when using SAS for Windows.

If you make the trip, make sure that you set aside some time to see the LA area and its interesting "characters". I was there just recently for a family vacation. We enjoyed the La Brea Tar Pits (click for picture) but failed to withdraw a cupcake from the Sprinkles ATM.


About Author

Chris Hemedinger

Director, SAS User Engagement

+Chris Hemedinger is the Director of SAS User Engagement, which includes our SAS Communities and SAS User Groups. Since 1993, Chris has worked for SAS as an author, a software developer, an R&D manager and a consultant. Inexplicably, Chris is still coasting on the limited fame he earned as an author of SAS For Dummies


  1. Oh, great. I was going to blog about how "I'm an MWSUG-ger and proud of it," but now that you've stolen my "hook" I'll have to come up with another idea!

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