Tag: alliances

Russ Cobb 0
Focus on outcomes, not inputs

Last weekend I realized I wanted something very specific: a great-looking lawn by mid-October that would require minimal effort from me. This meant that the output I needed to produce this desired outcome was the target date on which I needed to have aeration and over-seeding done in my yard.

Scott VanValkenburgh 0
Top 5 things you should know about alliances

What is involved in establishing new partnerships? Why does SAS need partners? What do SAS alliance managers do anyway? What does this have to do with you? With these questions in mind, I bring you the top 5 things you should know about alliances. 1. Alliance Relationships Require Care and

Russ Cobb 2
The impetus for change leadership (part 1)

Change is hard. Let’s face it - we all have a comfort zone and moving out of it can be difficult to say the least. The change process is hard because it forces us to create and/or adjust to something that is different from our current – in effect, we