
The green retail checklist, step 6

Welcome back to our green enterprise checklist for retailers. In my previous posts, I described how to create a vision for sustainability and how to evaluate your operations, merchandise, supplies, advertising and marketing. The final area on our checklist is to evaluate your people. Your People Employees must be trained

The green retail checklist, step 5

Welcome back to our green enterprise checklist for retailers. In my previous posts, I described how to create a vision for sustainability, how to evaluate your operations, your merchandise and your supplies. The next area on our checklist is to evaluate your advertising and marketing. Your Advertising and Marketing Reduce

The green retail checklist, step 4

Welcome back to our green enterprise checklist for retailers. In my previous posts, I described how to create a vision for sustainability, how to evaluate your operations and your merchandise. The next area on our checklist is evaluating your supplies. Your Supplies Plastic bags are environmental enemy No. 1 in

The green retail checklist, step 3

Welcome back to our green enterprise checklist for retailers. In my previous posts, I described how to create a vision for sustainability and how to evaluate your operations. The next area on our checklist is evaluating your merchandise. Your Merchandise Successful businesses know they need the right product mix for

The green retail checklist, step 2

Welcome back to our series of posts that provide a green enterprise checklist for retailers. In my previous post, I described how to create a vision for sustainability and introduced five areas of focus to help you begin implementing that vision. The first area on our checklist is to evaluate

The green retail checklist, step 1

With increased customer awareness and consumer demand about the virtues of going green, getting your company to become more environmentally friendly is a winning strategy. But sustainable business practices are relatively new to many companies. The most common question I get is: “Where do I start?” There is no direct