It's been a blast!

image of two dogs - Willie and Willow
Willie and Willow chilling

Well, folks, I think it’s time to hang up my harness.

Since 2008, I’ve navigated the pathways of SAS, visited some great places throughout North America, and taken the best care I could of my friend Ed. But 7 years is a long time (especially in dog-years). So I’m graciously stepping aside to make room for the next Seeing Eye Dog.

If you notice Ed with another pup, just remember the rules are the same. No eye contact. No petting. (I know it’s hard to resist us; we are that gorgeous.) The new dog has a job—a hugely important job—so don’t be surprised if he ignores you.

photo of 2 dogs - Willie and Willow
Willie and Willow frolicking in the yard

You may be wondering what I’ll be doing with all of my free time, but don’t worry. I have plans. I’ll take naps, chill with my friend Willow, sun myself on the porch, wrestle with Willow, and generally do what pets do (heavy emphasis on relaxation and observation).

I officially retire on May 1. To all of my reader-fans, thanks for following me these past few years and allowing me to share all of the great work we do here at SAS to help users with disabilities. It’s been a privilege to serve!


About Author

Willie the Seeing Eye Dog

SAS Accessibility and Applied Assistive Technology

Willie the Seeing Eye dog has been part of the SAS Accessibility and Applied Assistive Technology team for four years. He helps Software Development Manager Ed Summers get around SAS Corporate Headquarters without breaking his neck. He plans to blog about his many adventures with Ed as they work to ensure that users of all abilities can succeed using SAS software.


  1. Kathy Council on

    Willie, everyone at SAS will really miss seeing you! I have watched you take care of Ed and I hope you will make sure he's left in good hands. Once you hang up your harness and retire, do you think I can finally pet you? Will Ed go through a similar process to find a new dog?

    • Elizabeth Langston on

      Hi Kathy,
      I just had a quick chat with Willie and he said to pass along an answer or two.
      "Sure thing, you can pet me if you see me out and about. Ed will be hanging out with a new Seeing Eye dog soon. So while I'm lazing on the couch, I'll be able to watch Ed leave for the day and then fall back asleep. Ha ha."

  2. Mary Ellen Genovesi on

    We will all miss seeing Willie out and about on the SAS Grounds. Enjoy your retirement, Willie!

  3. I remember seeing you and Ed, in the very beginning, before I knew the both of you, 'training' at SAS. Was that training? I would see you and Ed walking *a lot* throughout SAS's beautiful campus, stopping at the crosswalks. It appeared that Ed was really deep into a mode that looked like he was working with you. Will this happen with the new dog?

    You will be missed. Will you be able to see Diane Brauner? I know you were really smitten with her. 🙂

  4. Diane Brauner on

    Willie, job well done - you have certainly earned your days of leisure! Your retirement party was bittersweet: pure joy to rub your furry head and such sadness to know that your work at SAS is done. Cindy, I have already asked for visitation rights!

  5. Happy Retirement, Willie! I hope I get an opportunity to pet you - I have been saving up a lot of doggie-love for you. Congratulations on a wonderful career alongside Ed. You have certainly earned your relaxation time. enjoy!

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