Tag: Recode

My top 3 in JMP

A rising sophomore in college, I am nearing the end of my summer internship with the JMP marketing team. While I’ve spent previous summers doing more technical work, I was interested in learning the ways that technical knowledge could help to solve business problems. I got the chance to complete

Video: Using Recode in JMP for data preparation

Data preparation before modeling is an unavoidable chore. One of the most time-consuming tasks can be cleaning up categorical data that may have misspellings, inconsistent capitalization and abbreviations, and the like. The Recode tool in JMP makes data prep a lot easier. Watch this video by my colleague Ryan DeWitt

Visualizing holiday food log patterns

If you read my last post, then you know that I’m giving myself the gift of data this holiday season! For me, collecting data on my diet and fitness habits is a gift that just keeps on giving. Although I may not look at all my data sets on a

Recoding data to explore the popularity of Halloween costumes

With Halloween right around the corner, it's time to decide what costume to wear. The National Retail Federation did a survey to find out the popular costumes this year, and I thought it would be fun to explore and visualize the results of that survey. The survey asked three questions:

Chocolate smackdown: The final analysis

Recently, my colleague Ryan Lekivetz wrote about our trip to Discovery Summit Europe in Brussels and our plan to test whether Belgian chocolate was really better-tasting than US chocolate. Ryan has blogged in detail about the constraints of designing the study, as well as the factors involved. In this blog

Cleaning up workout data with Recode in JMP 12

In my previous blog post, I shared how I created a table of workout information in JMP and summarized my workout patterns in 2014. To drill down into more detailed summaries of my data at the exercise level, I first had to clean up my data table with the JMP 12 Recode

Cleaning categories at scale with Recode

Data entered manually is usually not clean and consistent. Even when data is entered by multiple-choice fields rather than by text-entry fields, it might need additional work when it is combined with data that may not use the same categories across sources. Sometimes the same categories are spelled differently, abbreviated

Cleaning up and visualizing my food log data with JMP 12

In an earlier blog post, I shared that I used the JMP 12 version of the Recode platform to clean up food item names in a data table containing nearly four years of  food log information. I was able to halve the number of unique food item names that appeared in my ~35,000-row table, reducing the

Coming in JMP 12: Overhauled Recode for easier data cleaning

Text data cleaning is an unglamorous but important step in statistics and analytics. Manually entered data is full of misspellings, typographical errors and inconsistencies. Even machine-generated data can cause problems if two data sources disagree on formatting. Errors must be fixed before analyzing data, because the tiniest difference makes two

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