Tag: JMP Pro

What’s new in JMP 11 for Mac - part 2

In my previous blog post, I discussed the most recognizable enhancement in JMP for Mac OS X by highlighting some of the great session management features of the new Home Window. Here, we will look at some other added functionality for the Mac, as well as provide a sneak peek at

New Imputation Add-In for JMP Pro

If you never have to deal with missing data, please count your blessings — nothing to see here today! However, for those of us who are not so lucky, I’ve got some good news: First, throughout JMP 11, we have added capabilities for dealing with missing data. The Reliability Growth

New features for JMP 11 on Mac OS X - part 1

Welcome Home! Let me introduce you to the JMP Home Window for Mac OS X. When development began on JMP 11, the Mac OS X host development team started the process of investigating differences between our platform and the JMP product on Windows. We wanted to begin bridging the gaps

Predictive modelling returns to the UK

We have had such a favourable response to our seminar on Building Better Models that we held our third one on 10 April, with nearly 100 people attending. It's become a global success, having been delivered 20 times throughout the world. The seminar is based on George Box's concept that

Partitioning a quadratic in JMP

At a recent Building Better Models seminar, someone asked me, “If you have a factor that has a curved relationship with a response, can a decision tree model be used to model that relationship?” To show that this is indeed possible, I created a simple simulated data set with 200

Variable clustering in JMP

When presented with a large number of variables to predict an outcome, you may want to reduce the number of variables in some way to make the prediction problem easier to tackle. One possible dimension reduction technique is the well-known method of principal components analysis (PCA). The variables resulting from

Visualizing the variability of a curve using bootstrapping

This is part 4 of a series of blog posts on the new bootstrap feature in JMP Pro, Version 10, that began with an introduction to one-click bootstrapping. In previous posts in this series, we have looked at bootstrapping functions of the output and multiple tables simultaneously. In this post,

Bootstrap multiple tables simultaneously with JMP Pro

This is part 3 of a series of blog posts on the bootstrap feature in JMP Pro, Version 10. Previously, we exploited the fact that Distribution will give Bootstrap confidence limits anytime that there is a BootID• column present in the data table. Part 1 introduced one-click bootstrapping in JMP

Using the bootstrap for functions of statistics

This is part 2 of a series of blog posts on the new bootstrap feature in JMP Pro, Version 10. The first part introduced one-click bootstrapping. Sometimes, your quantity of interest might not be reported directly in a JMP report window. Instead it might be calculated as a function of

Introducing the one-click bootstrap in JMP Pro

One of the great new features in JMP Pro, Version 10, is the one-click bootstrap. Most tables of results in analytical platforms have a new item in their context (right-click) menus, called Bootstrap. Selecting this item will bring up a small dialog with some options. Once you click OK, JMP will perform a