Tag: Big Statistics

Violating Anna Karenina Principle: LogWorth scaling

The first line of Leo Tolstoy’s classic novel, Anna Karenina, begins: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This is a very memorable line. But looking at the Wikipedia entry for the Anna Karenina Principle, I saw this version for statistical significance tests:

Each statistic should have a graph to go with it – not!

When we thought about starting a new software system many years ago, we were very enamored of an article published in 1973 in American Statistician authored by Frank Anscombe called “Graphs in Statistical Analysis.” As you can read in Wikipedia, Anscombe cleverly devised four sets of data that had identical

Big data = Dirty data

Note: JMP 11 launched last week. Today, we begin a series on Tuesdays of Big Statistics blog posts by John Sall about what has to change when you have Big Data, with an emphasis on screening. Data preparation is a big part of an analyst’s job, and when you have