Tag: Analytic Culture

The power of passion and curiosity

Walt Disney once said, “We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Curiosity and passion can be powerful levers in opening new doors, making new discoveries and doing better — so says Jason Brinkley, Senior

Discovery Summit 2015 live blog: Phil Simon

Technology expert and author Phil Simon gives a keynote speech at Discovery Summit 2015 in San Diego, California, titled "How to Create a Culture of Analytics." Simon contends that pockets of analytic excellence in an organization are often suboptimal and potentially dangerous. What is truly powerful is an organization in

Receive this message from Phil Simon

Do you ever take the time to write book reviews on Amazon? I’ve thought about it many times, but I never seemed to find the time to follow through — until I read Phil Simon’s latest book, Message Not Received: Why Business Communication is Broken and How to Fix It.