Importing and merging multiple XML files
I needed to import and stack 660 XML files from my exercise activity tracking app. It's easy with the XML Import Wizard and Import Multiple Files in JMP 15.
I needed to import and stack 660 XML files from my exercise activity tracking app. It's easy with the XML Import Wizard and Import Multiple Files in JMP 15.
Efficient propeller design is crucial for the electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) industry, which is projected to reach a market value of $15.8 billion by 2030, according to a report by Market Research Future. Propellers play a key role in optimizing performance, reducing energy consumption, and enhancing flight stability in eVTOL aircraft, which are designed to revolutionize urban air m...
Is it possible to optimize a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) with just 25 test wafers? Absolutely! In semiconductor manufacturing, constraints such as a 25-wafer run on a tool are common, but they don’t have to limit success. Leveraging process data to inform experiment design is a winning strategy for getting effective results with limited resources.
In semiconductor manufacturing, defects can result in scrap and sunk costs. When not detected, they can adversely impact device functionality and cause end-user failures. Defects can lead to large financial losses and damaged reputations. There is value in making the statistical models used to minimize defects as accurate as possible. Standard least squares regression is often the go-to method for...
「ポップコーンにキャラメルがかかっているだけで、こんなにおいしいなんて!」 筆者が初めてキャラメルポップコーンを食べたときの感動は今でも忘れられません。普段はあまりポップコーンを食べることはありませんが、キャラメルポップコーンだけは好んで食べています。 スーパーにいくと、さまざまなキャラメルポップコーンが販売されています。いくつか試してみると、「これはおいしい!」と思うものや、キャラメル感が強いもの、味が控えめなものなど、それぞれに特徴があることがわかりました。 ちょうどその頃、JMPに「MaxDiff計画」という新機能が追加されました。「これはキャラメルポップコーンのおいしさを調べるために使えそうだ!」と思い、弊社(JMP Japan)の社員に協力をお願いし、調査を実施しました。かなり前の調査にはなりますが、その結果を報告します。 MaxDiff計画とは? 消費者調査では、「選...
The JMP S3 Data Connector in the JMP® Marketplace uses JMP's powerful Python integration to provide seamless access to Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3. You can configure your AWS credentials within the data connector editor and quickly import files that are compatible with JMP and are hosted on Amazon S3 remote connections. This integration streamlines data retrieval processes, enhancing your workflo...
Using the scripting environment and a python package called SASPy, JMP 18 can interface with SAS instances, import data sets, export data sets, and run SAS code.
在化工或材料企業工作的你,如何有效提升新材料研發效率、降低實驗成本?透過QSAR方法,化工工程師可將多水準類別因子轉換為連續因子,並利用主成分分析減少變因數量,降低實驗次數與成本。結合JMP的Custom Design與PLS建模,可快速建立高效預測模型,優化材料選擇與製程設計。了解如何運用數據分析提升研發效率,探索更多實驗設計與建模技巧!
Descubre cómo JMP y JMP Live pueden transformar la gestión de datos en tu empresa mediante la automatización del SPC y las alertas automáticas en gráficos de control.
Have you ever needed to import the data contained in an image of a graph into JMP? It turns out JMP can do this rather easily. Read on to find out how.
El constructor de flujo de trabajo de JMP permite grabar los pasos que se toman haciendo clic en la interfaz de JMP, para que el trabajo sea repetible, para que los pasos se puedan aplicar cuando hay datos nuevos, o el flujo de trabajo entero se puede compartir con otras personas.
Can JMP be used to model, compare, and optimize multiple curves at the same time? I've been asked this a few times in the last month, and (of course) the answer is "yes." Read on to find out how.
Specifying constraints in a DOE can seem daunting, but it can be much easier than you imagine if you use some of the other tools in JMP to do the heavy lifting.
Watch the recording of this workshop with Chris Gotwalt and Phil Kay.
Optimal designs use one of several optimality criteria based on the goal of the experiment. Using the design evaluation tools we can compare, and contrast designs based on the goal of the experiment. In each of the case studies below, the tools relevant for each experimental goal are explored. Summary of practical goals and design evaluation tools I-optimal D-optimal Practical goal: Accurate ...
Why doesn't my code work when I try to use a variable as an argument to ...?
JMP’s Custom Design platform allows experimenters to create custom-built designs for their specific experiment needs by constructing optimal designs. The custom designer generates optimal designs by seeking to maximize one of several optimality criteria using the coordinate-exchange algorithm. The coordinate-exchange algorithm constructs a starting design by selecting random values within the desi...
JMP Clinical 18.1.2 (released on January. 21) and JMP Clinical 18.2 (which will be released in March) comes with several important features, including data quality reports, a configuration checking tool, autosaving and restoring the review builder templates.
下図は、12人の患者に特定の薬剤を投与した際の薬物濃度の時間経過を示す折れ線グラフです。薬物は投与後に体内で吸収され、濃度が急激に上昇した後、分布や代謝によって濃度が緩やかに低下します。このグラフは、薬物動態の基本的なパターンを示しています。 患者ごとの折れ線を観察すると、濃度の変化に個人差が見られます。この差異は通常、薬物の種類、投与経路、患者個々の特性(例:体重や代謝能力)などによるものです。 例えば、体重が大きい患者では分布容積が増加し、最大濃度(Cmax)が低くなる可能性があります。また、投与量や薬剤の種類によっても濃度推移が変化することがあります。 これら、薬物動態に影響を及ぼす可能性がある要素は「共変量」と呼ばれ、共変量の違いによって薬物濃度はどのように影響を及ぼすかを解析することがあります。 本ブログでは、JMP(JMP Pro) の「曲線のあてはめ」プラットフ...