%let gpath=C:\; %let dpi=200; ods html close; ods listing gpath="&gpath" image_dpi=&dpi; data TumorSize; length Cid $ 3; label Change='Change from Baseline (%)'; do Id=1 to 25; cid=put(id, 2.0); change=30-120*ranuni(2); Group=ifc(int(ranuni(2)+0.5), 'Treatment 1', 'Treatment 2'); Duration=floor(50+100*ranuni(2)); Drop=ifn(ranuni(2) < 0.3, floor(duration-10), .); if mod(id, 5) = 1 then Label='C'; if mod(id, 5) = 2 then label='R'; if mod(id, 5) = 3 then label='S'; if mod(id, 5) = 4 then label='P'; if mod(id, 5) = 0 then label='N'; output; end; run; proc sort data=TumorSize out=TumorSizeSort; by descending change; run; ods html; proc print data=TumorSizeSort(obs=10); run; ods html close; /*--Change in Tumor Size--*/ ods listing style=listing; ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename='TumorSize'; title 'Change in Tumor Size'; title2 'ITT Population'; proc sgplot data=TumorSizeSort nowall noborder; styleattrs datacolors=(cxbf0000 cx4f4f4f) datacontrastcolors=(black); vbarparm category=cid response=change / group=group datalabel=label datalabelattrs=(size=5 weight=bold) groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=1; refline 20 -30 / lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); xaxis display=none; yaxis values=(60 to -100 by -20); inset ("C="="CR" "R="="PR" "S="="SD" "P="="PD" "N="="NE") / title='BCR' position=bottomleft border textattrs=(size=6 weight=bold) titleattrs=(size=7); keylegend / title='' location=inside position=topright across=1 border; run; title; /*--Change in Tumor Size with Duration--*/ ods listing style=listing; ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3.5in imagename='TumorSize_Duration_Extent'; title 'Change in Tumor Size'; title2 'ITT Population'; proc sgplot data=TumorSizeSort nowall noborder nocycleattrs; styleattrs datacolors=(cxbf0000 cx4f4f4f) datacontrastcolors=(black) axisextent=data; symbolchar name=mystar char='002a'x / voffset=-0.5 scale=3; vbarparm category=cid response=change / group=group datalabel=label dataskin=pressed datalabelattrs=(size=5 weight=bold) groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=1; vbarparm category=cid response=duration / datalabel=duration y2axis dataskin=pressed datalabelattrs=(size=5 weight=bold) groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth=1 fillattrs=(color=cxcfcf7f); scatter x=cid y=drop / y2axis markerattrs=(symbol=mystar color=red size=10); refline 20 -30 / lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); xaxis display=none colorbands=odd colorbandsattrs=(transparency=0.6); yaxis values=(60 to -100 by -20) offsetmax=0.45 labelpos=datacenter offsetmin=0; y2axis offsetmin=0.6 offsetmax=0.02 labelpos=datacenter; inset ("C="="CR" "R="="PR" "S="="SD" "P="="PD" "N="="NE") / title='BCR' position=bottomleft border textattrs=(size=6 weight=bold) titleattrs=(size=7); keylegend / title='' border; run; title;