%let gpath='.'; ods html close; %let dpi=200; ods listing gpath=&gpath image_dpi=&dpi; /*--Find longest name string--*/ data _null_; retain maxlen; set sashelp.class end=last; maxlen=max(maxlen, length(name)); if last then call symput("Maxlen", maxlen*2); run; /*--Use regular expression prxchange function to add blanks--*/ /*--See http://pharmasug.org/proceedings/2014/BB/PharmaSUG-2014-BB08.pdf--*/ data class; length newname $&maxlen; set sashelp.class; /*--Replace each character ".", with the same char from bucket $1 + a space--*/ newname = prxchange('s/(.)/$1 /', -1, name); run; /*--Bar Chart vertical tick values--*/ ods listing image_dpi=200; ods graphics / reset width=4in height=3in imagename='BarChartHotel'; title 'Height by Name'; proc sgplot data=class noautolegend noborder; vbar newname / response=height dataskin=pressed nostatlabel baselineattrs=(thickness=0) fillattrs=graphdata6 filltype=gradient; xaxis display=(nolabel noline noticks) fitpolicy=splitalways valueattrs=(size=7); yaxis display=(noline); run; title;